Sustainable Buildings Workshop

Workshop — Paris, France


The objective of this workshop was to seek advice from key global building stakeholders to raise the importance of building energy efficiency among high level energy policy directors while providing the fundamental analysis to support more investment from both the public and private sectors. To seek input in the development of metrics for tracking aggregate building energy performance to understand progress in building energy efficiency, impacts of policies, and opportunities for improvement. The aim of the workshop was also to seek the establishment of a range of informal and formal partnerships to expand and improve the quality of our large data set that is used in our global model to forecast various scenarios including deep carbon mitigation.

Participants list
Meeting summary (coming soon)


Welcome and Vision for IEA Buildings Activities
Didier Houssin, Director, Sustainable Energy Policy & Technology, IEA

Building Sector Opportunities – Analysis to Drive Policy and 2015 Plans  
Marc LaFrance, IEA

Macro Building Drivers & Metrics – Global Floor Area Forecasts and Energy Performance
John Dulac, IEA

Importance of Investment Projections and Cost Assumptions for the World Energy Outlook
Stephanie Bouckaert, IEA

Building Policy and Analysis in China       
Chen Peng, Center of Science and Technology of Construction, MOHURD 

European Perspectives
Yamina Saheb, EU Joint Research Center


Group A - Heating, Cooling, Building Envelope and Construction

Part 1: Modelling Framework

Part 2: Market, Efficiency Performance, and Cost Data

Group B: Lighting, Appliances, Cooking, Plug Loads, and Energy Management

Part 1: Modelling Framework

Part 2: Market, Efficiency Performance, and Cost Data

DAY 2:


Group A: Heating, Cooling, Building Envelope and Construction

Part 3: Collaboration and Partnerships

Part 4: Peer Review of IEA Model        

Group B: Lighting, Appliances, Cooking, Plug Loads, and Energy Management

Part 3: Collaboration and Partnerships

Part 4: Peer Review of IEA Model

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