Why is aluminium important?
Aluminium is both an important input to several technologies critical to the energy transition, and a significant source of CO2. Direct emissions from the global aluminium sector have been steadily rising over the past decade, driven by increasing production, which is expected to continue expanding due to population and economic growth.
What is the role of aluminium in clean energy transitions?
Clean energy transitions will increase the demand for aluminium because many technologies require greater use of aluminium – for example, for lightweight vehicles and solar energy (which uses aluminium for various components). Given the considerable amount of electricity consumed in the aluminium subsector, decarbonising its power sources would help reduce indirect emissions and is thus a key complement to reducing direct aluminium emissions.
Where do we need to go?
In the past few years, the average emissions intensity of aluminium production has seen only a slight downward trend. To get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, the aluminium sector needs to develop and deploy new technologies to reduce emissions from primary and recycled production, while the industry and its customers need to increase scrap collection, sorting and recycling.
Tracking Aluminium
Aluminium is an important input to a number of technologies critical to the energy transition and a significant source of CO2, emitting nearly 270 Mt of direct CO2 emissions in 2022 (about 3% of the world’s direct industrial CO2 emissions). Over the past decade, the global average direct emissions intensity of aluminium production has been declining moderately, at an average rate of almost 2% per year. However, in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario this decline must accelerate considerably to nearly 4% per year to 2030. In order to get on track, the aluminium sector needs to develop and deploy near zero emission technologies to achieve deep emissions reductions from alumina refining and both primary and recycled aluminium production, while the industry and its customers need to increase scrap collection, sorting and recycling.
Technological progress is being made in a range of countries, while the expected expansion of China’s emissions trading systems will be key to reducing direct emissions
Technological progress is being made in a range of countries, while the expected expansion of China’s emissions trading systems will be key to reducing direct emissions
Countries making important notable progress in decarbonising aluminium production include the following:
- China is expected to expand their new Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2023 or 2024 to cover industry, including aluminium. If sufficiently stringent, this could incentivise significant emissions reductions, as China remains by far the largest producer of alumina and primary aluminium (almost60% of global production in 2022).
- Sites in Australia and Brazil have made encouraging progress on a range of low-carbon options for alumina refining, with successful results from commercial installation of electric boilers, demonstrations of electrically powered mechanical vapour recompression, and feasibility studies on using hydrogen.
- Industrial initiatives in a range of countries are developing inert anodes and carbon capture to decarbonise primary aluminium production, including Elysis in Canada, Norsk Hydro in Norway, and a collaboration between TRIMET and Arctus Aluminium in the European Union.
Further action to reduce emissions intensity will be needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
Further action to reduce emissions intensity will be needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
Total direct CO2 emissions and direct CO2 emissions intensity in aluminium production in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
OpenTotal direct emissions from the global aluminium sector have been steadily rising over the past decade, driven by increasing production. This is even as the emissions intensity of aluminium production has been moderately declining, by about 1.7% per year on average, driven largely by a declining energy intensity of alumina production. The average rate of decline was highest from 2014 to 2019, and has slowed considerably since then. The sector was directly responsible for almost 270 Mt of CO2 emissions in 2022 (a 1.7% increase on 2021), and if indirect emissions from electricity consumption are included, that number jumps to around 1 Gt of CO2.
The core primary production steps of alumina refining, anode production and aluminium smelting are responsible for almost 85% of aluminium’s direct CO2 emissions, the rest being from recycled production and semi-finishing processes. Direct emissions can be reduced by deploying near zero-emission technologies, and by increasing the share of recycled production from post-consumer scrap to reduce reliance on primary production.
In the NZE Scenario, total direct emissions decline by about 18% by 2030 relative to today, to around 220 Mt CO2. As production continues to increase moderately, there will be a need to accelerate reductions in the emissions intensity of production to a rate of nearly 4% per year on average. Since much of the global potential for reductions in alumina energy intensity has already been exploited, other measures will be needed to achieve this reduction.
While the energy efficiency of aluminium production has improved, fuel switching needs to accelerate
While the energy efficiency of aluminium production has improved, fuel switching needs to accelerate
Although total energy used in the aluminium sector has increased with production, the sector’s total energy intensity has decreased by about 15% since 2010. Global energy efficiency improvements in primary aluminium smelting have been modest in recent years, as a substantial portion of global production already reached close to best available technology levels over a decade ago. More considerable reductions in energy intensity have been achieved since 2010 for alumina refining.
Alumina refining and recycled production both currently rely on fossil fuels. Fuel switching to alternatives, such as bioenergy, hydrogen or near zero-emission electricity will be important to get on track with the NZE Scenario, especially given that much of the potential for energy efficiency improvements has already been exploited over the past two decades.
With production continuing to grow, improved material efficiency is needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
With production continuing to grow, improved material efficiency is needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
Global aluminium production in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
OpenAfter a brief pause in 2019, growth in aluminium production continued to be strong in 2020-2022 despite the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, with an average annual growth of more than 3%. While lower than the average annual growth of 6% from 2010-2018, growth in recent years was higher than for other key industrial materials such as steel and cement. Global aluminium demand is likely to continue growing in response to the increase in global population and GDP given that is is an important input to higher-value demand segments (e.g. vehicles and digital devices), and due to aluminium’s use in several technologies important to a net zero economy.
Adopting material efficiency measures, such as through reducing scrap generation during fabrication and manufacturing, direct reuse of scrap, and designing products with material efficiency and recycling in mind, can help curb demand growth. In the Net Zero Scenario, a strong push on material efficiency strategies result in aluminium demand growing at a considerably slower rate to 2030 compared to the past decade, despite increases in some demand segments related to low emission technology deployment.
Using inert anodes and increasing scrap-based production can help to supplant existing emissions-intensive production
Using inert anodes and increasing scrap-based production can help to supplant existing emissions-intensive production
Presently, nearly all aluminium primary smelting uses carbon anodes that release CO2 as a part of the electrolysis process. These anodes can be replaced by inert anodes made from different materials that do not release CO2 during electrolysis. Commercialisation and early deployment of this technology is critical in the next few years to get on track with the NZE Scenario, which sees inert anodes used for around 7% of primary production by 2030.
Emissions can be further reduced by increasing the proportion of recycled production, which is much less emissions-intensive than primary production. After remaining fairly constant for many years at around 32-33%, the share of secondary production (excluding internal scrap production) has seen modest increases in the past few years, reaching about 36% in 2022 according to estimates from the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) (about 20% of production was from end-of-life scrap).
Global collection rates for aluminium are currently over 95% for manufacturing scrap and around 75% for end-of-life scrap. While high, these can be increased by improving recycling and sorting methods, and through extended producer responsibility schemes. Maximising collection of end-of-life scrap is particularly important in the NZE Scenario, as material efficiency strategies reduce manufacturing scrap. Even if collection rates are maximised, scrap availability will remain insufficient to meet demand purely with recycled production. In the NZE Scenario, secondary production expands to account for over 40% of production by 2030.
Headway is being made on technologies critical to the NZE Scenario, but faster progress is needed
Headway is being made on technologies critical to the NZE Scenario, but faster progress is needed
Addressing process emissions from aluminium production requires technological innovation, and the groundwork needs to be laid well before 2030 to be ready for the next investment cycle. Encouragingly, two key initiatives have made considerable progress in the critical area of using inert anodes for aluminium smelting. RUSAL’s Krasnoyarsk plant in Russia produced primary aluminium at industrial scale using inert anodes for the first time in April 2021 (1 tonne of aluminium per day per cell), while Elysis, a joint venture between Alcoa and Rio Tinto in Quebec, succeeded in doing so in November 2021. TRIMET and Arctus Aluminium are also investigating this in Europe.
Another method for reducing aluminium smelting emissions is through carbon capture and storage (CCS), although this is difficult to accomplish for aluminium because of its low concentrations of CO2 (around 1%). Nevertheless, two firms – Aluminium Dunkerque, and Norsk Hydro – have recently announced that they are exploring options to use CCS for aluminium, with Norsk Hydro setting a goal of using CCS in an industrial-scale demonstration by 2030.
For alumina refining, in Brazil, the Alunorte refinery installed a 60 MW electric boiler in 2022 to provide a portion of the plant’s steam demand, the first known use of an electric boiler for alumina globally, and is looking at installing another two, while a similar option is also being demonstrated in the Republic of Ireland. Alcoa is piloting electric calcination to displace fossil fuels in Australian alumina refining, and following a successful feasibility study is now constructing a facility using mechanical vapour recompression (a type of heat pump) for steam generation beginning operation in 2024. Additionally, in 2022 Rio Tinto published a feasibility study on the use of hydrogen to generate the heat required for alumina refining at its refinery in Yarwun, Australia. Electrical and thermal energy storage might also play a role, enabling the industry to use variable renewables as energy sources.
In spite of these encouraging developments, more investment into R&D and commercialisation is required, as early deployment of inert anodes and near zero-emission alumina refining before 2030 will be necessary to get on track with the NZE Scenario.
For more information
A major shift towards near zero-emission electricity is needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
A major shift towards near zero-emission electricity is needed to get on track with the NZE Scenario
Composition of electricity used in aluminium production compared with total electricity consumption, 2010 and 2021
OpenIncreasing the proportion of aluminium production from low-emission electricity is a top priority, and represents the biggest source of potential emission reduction in the short term. If the indirect emissions from power generation are included, they accounted for about 70% of total (direct and indirect) aluminium production CO2 emissions in 2022. Further, since about 55% of the power consumed by the industry globally is self-generated rather than purchased from the grid, many of these emissions are within the control of the industry itself. The share of self-generation is particularly high in Asia (about 65% in China and 95% in the rest of Asia). In contrast, in Europe, Africa and Oceania most power for aluminium production is purchased.
Looking at the type of energy powering aluminium production, hydropower and coal are over-represented by about 15 and 20 percentage points respectively relative to the global average power grid. Since 2010, the share of coal has increased and the share of hydropower has decreased, largely due to China’s growing share of aluminium production, where coal supplies the electricity for over 80% of production. In Europe, North America and South America, hydropower supplies more than 80% of production.
In the NZE Scenario, the emissions intensity of the total power mix declines by roughly 60% from today’s level by 2030. The aluminium industry should aim to reduce the intensity of its power supply by at least this much, including by reducing reliance on unabated coal-generated power.
This will require a combination of investments in self-generated near zero-emission generation or procurement of low-emission electricity from the grid. Since aluminium producers are large electricity consumers, they can provide useful demand response services to electricity grids that are incorporating an increasing share of variable renewables. For example, a retrofit-ready technology – the EnPot system – has recently been developed that allows smelters to vary their energy usage by up to 30% to better match electricity supply and price fluctuations, taking advantage of variable renewable electricity, and supporting further renewable penetration in electricity grids.
Policy ambition to address emissions from aluminium is increasing, but faster action is needed
Policy ambition to address emissions from aluminium is increasing, but faster action is needed
Many countries have introduced policies addressing industrial emissions as a whole – these are discussed at further length on the IEA's tracking page for industry. Relevant policies specifically for aluminium include the following:
- China has announced that it will be including industrial facilities in its ETS from 2023 or 2024. Further, as part of its Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergies Implementation Plan, the output of recycled aluminium will reach 11.5 Mt by 2025, and the proportion of renewable energy used in electrolytic aluminium will increase to more than 30% in 2030.
- The European Union, in addition to its ETS, has agreed a carbon border adjustment mechanism that will include aluminium, with the permanent system involving certificate purchases beginning in January 2026 (transitional phase involving emissions reporting only begins in October 2023). These policies will apply tariffs to imported emissions-intensive goods from jurisdictions with weak or no emissions policy, in an effort to limit carbon leakage (loss of competitiveness from emissions policy due to cheaper, emissions-intensive imports) and incentivise stronger emissions measures in other countries.
- France announced in 2022 its industrial decarbonisation roadmap to 2030, which includes a plan to invest EUR 5.6 billion in decarbonisation initiatives for domestic industries, and released in 2021 a decarbonisation roadmap for mining and metallurgy, containing specific provisions for aluminium.
- In North America, Canada’s carbon pricing system and innovation funding for inert anode technology through Elysis continue to push industry towards decarbonisation. In the United States, grant funding for industrial decarbonisation and tax credit opportunities are available for aluminium producers through the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
View all aluminium policies
Several agreements on aluminium have been announced, with potential to lay the groundwork for international action
Several agreements on aluminium have been announced, with potential to lay the groundwork for international action
Policy makers are increasingly coordinating to address the challenges facing the decarbonisation of the aluminium industry, such as carbon leakage. In 2021 and 2022, the United States made three separate statements on steel and aluminium with the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Not all the details of these agreements have been publicly disclosed, but the announcements make reference to taking action to reduce the carbon content of steel and aluminium, hinting at possible policy convergence in these sectors. Further progress on the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium between the United States and the European Union is anticipated by October 2023.
The G7 Climate Club, a forum for international collaboration on industrial decarbonisation, was also announced in 2022, and efforts are underway towards its establishment.
Rather than simply reacting to government policy, many major aluminium producers are taking action into their own hands
Rather than simply reacting to government policy, many major aluminium producers are taking action into their own hands
Producers are engaging with multi-stakeholder initiatives across the value chain and focusing on:
- Establishing the sector baseline and potential technology pathways: in 2021, using industry data, analysis and modelling, the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) established different pathways aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
- Developing demand for low-carbon products and investment: 2022 saw the US-led First Movers Coalition, a platform for businesses and governments to leverage their purchasing power to decarbonise industry, launch its initiative for decarbonising aluminium. This looks to commit major consumers or producers, including Apple, Ford, Novelis, Volvo Group and Trafigura, to produce/procure low-carbon aluminium. The latter launched a financing platform of up to USD 500 million for clean aluminium financing.
- Identifying policy and financial levers: the Mission Possible Partnership has launched an Aluminium Initiative and has developed a sector transition strategy in collaboration with the IAI to demonstrate the feasibility of a net zero aluminium sector, unlocking investment and other support.
- Aligning corporate performance with net zero: the Science Based Targets initiative launched a project for aluminium. Currently in its first phase, Assessing low-Carbon Transition has produced a methodology for low-carbon aluminium, and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative has released its latest performance standard to track performance against a 1.5 °C aligned scenario.
We would like to thank the following external reviewers:
We would like to thank the following external reviewers:
- Marlen Bertram, International Aluminium Institute, Reviewer
- Sandro Starita, European Aluminium, Reviewer
- Paul Voss, European Aluminium, Reviewer
- Charles Johnson, The Aluminium Association, Reviewer
- Jean Simard, The Aluminium Association of Canada, Reviewer
- Yasushi Noto, Japan Aluminium Association, Reviewer
- Karin Dahlman, Alcoa, Reviewer
Similar to the wider industry sector, decarbonisation in aluminium will require multiple measures:
- Adopting mandatory CO2 emissions policies and expanding international co-operation: domestically this might include carbon prices or CO2 performance regulations, while carbon border adjustments or international sectoral agreements might be considered to limit carbon leakage and level the global playing field .
- Managing existing assets and near-term investment in order to create a smooth energy transition, such as encouraging – and, in some instances, providing public support for – refurbishment to near zero-emission technology to avoid stranded assets.
- Incentivising improved energy productivity such as through standards to increase energy efficiency, recycling and material efficiency.
- Increasing investment in R&D and deployment for near zero-emission technologies essential to decarbonising process emissions from industry, including through direct support for pilots and demonstrations and mechanisms to mobilise private sector finance.
- Improving data collection, tracking and classification systems – this includes aspects such as developing clear and common definitions for low- and near zero-emission production, requiring both industry participation and government co-ordination.
A number of initiatives, involving both public and private sector actors, have emerged in recent years to create a market for near zero-emission industrial goods. In the case of aluminium, it is also important that the market be created for zero-emissions primary production, as scrap availability will be insufficient for recycled production to meet all aluminium demand in the coming decades, given projections for economic growth in emerging markets.
Several initiatives are pursuing the creation of such a market for steel and cement, yet presently only the First Movers Coalition and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative are taking the same action on aluminium. Further action must be taken to create a zero-emission aluminium market, as action today will help to develop the required technologies and build up supply chains for zero-emissions primary aluminium production.
Given the high electricity requirements of aluminium production, efforts to decarbonise electricity generation will be necessary to reduce the subsector’s indirect emissions. In addition to decarbonising electricity grids, much of the electricity for aluminium is generated on site, meaning that the industry must also take measures to either switch away from fossil fuels, or reduce its emissions through technology such as CCS.
The aluminium subsector can provide flexibility services by modulating demand, which will help integrate a higher portion of variable renewables into the grid. Electricity producers can offer electricity pricing incentives or contractual purchasing arrangements to aluminium producers using demand management systems – these are already employed by some grids for emergencies, and extending their use to broader grid management could support grid decarbonisation.
Policy-makers can help by sending a strong policy signal for electricity sector decarbonisation and shortening permitting timelines for key supporting infrastructure such as transmission and distribution grids.
Energy Technology Perspectives 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have led to major disruptions to global energy and technology supply chains. Soaring prices for energy and materials, and shortages of critical minerals, semiconductors and other components are posing potential roadblocks for the energy transition.
Authors and contributors
Lead authors
Richard Simon
Tiffany Vass