Industrial Sector Catalysis Technology Roadmap Workshop



The International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and Dechema - Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology are developing a technology roadmap on the impact of catalysis technology on energy consumption and GHG reduction focusing on the industrial sector (chemicals, refinery, etc.). The goal of the roadmap is to provide reliable data on potential catalyst impacts, hurdles, and routes to minimize hurdles which will enable discussions with policymakers as they consider priorities for the sector. The project partners are conducting a survey of chemical industry manufacturers, catalyst producers and academic experts to gauge the potential of catalysis having an even greater impact in this area.

The IEA, ICCA and Dechema will meet in Paris, France on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 September 2011, to review the results of the survey with around 20 experts in catalysis. This will be a unique opportunity to provide input on the routes by which catalysis could help address a global societal issue, gain a broad perspective on the current impact, and discuss hurdles as well as routes to minimize them.

The 20 participants will be catalyst subject-matter experts primarily from the areas of chemicals manufacturing, catalyst manufacturers and academia.

Background Information