Indonesia reliability workshop
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Background information
In 2045 Indonesia can potentially be the world’s 4th largest economy, and energy demand is rising both due to the rising population, and due to changing needs, for example the increased demand due to cooling. Indonesia has the target to have a renewable share of 23 % in total primary energy supply by 2025 and 31 % in 2050. In order to ensure that growth continues a reliable and secure energy system is needed. Reliability is important both in terms of integrating higher shares of renewables, as well as ensuring the needed investments in the grid infrastructure in order ensure a high level of reliability.
In order to discuss this important topic the IEA and MEMR hosted a roundtable to discuss international experiences on reliability. The roundtable gave the participants a chance to discuss the challenges and potential pathways to increasing reliability in Indonesia.
This event is organised by the IEA within the Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952363.