IEA/4E/SEAD Network Standby Workshop: Beyond 1-Watt – Towards energy efficiency in the digital age

Workshop — Paris, France


The objective of the workshop was to help future-proof energy efficiency policy-making by providing insights into trends and energy implications of increasing network-connectivity. Focus will be placed on how to limit standby power consumption of network-connected appliances and policies and supporting measures needed to improve energy efficiency.

The workshop also provided an opportunity to discuss wider energy implications of "smart" products and systems and identify new areas where international collaboration could be instrumental in accelerating progress towards energy efficiency.

The workshop culminated in a high-level session in the afternoon of the 17 September which provided an overview of key issues and approaches and offered a platform of strategic discussions on how to move forward with tackling ICT-related energy consumption.  Please find attached the Agenda.

16 September 2013

Introduction and objectives

Vida Rozite, IEA

Existing and planned policies

Vida Rozite, IEA; Hans–Paul Siderius NL Agency

Technology standards and communication protocols that support energy efficiency and policies

Bruce Nordman (moderator); Gilbert Buty, Alcatel Lucent – Green touch; Stephen Palm, Broadcom

Test procedures – approaches and scope for alignment. A repository of test procedure.

Lloyd Harrington, Energy Efficient Strategies

Focused discussion on definitions and how to move forward to standardised definitions

Nicole Kearney, SEAD; Bruce Nordman, LBNL

Data collection – approaches and methodologies

Vida Rozite‌, IEA; Nicole Kearney, SEAD; Ward Van Heddeghem, Ghent University; Bruce Nordman, LBNL

Power use of networking services

IEA Guiding principles and integrating energy efficiency in the value chain

Suzanne Foster Porter‌, ECOVA; Vida Rozite‌, IEA


17 September

Summing up from day 1

Vida Rozite‌, IEA

Scope and mechanisms for regional and international collaboration & developing a policy framework

Lloyd Harrington‌, Energy Efficient Strategies, Bruce Nordman, LBNL

Beyond network standby – energy efficient networked products and
systems, services,  smart homes, demand response, smart meters

Alain Anglade‌, ADEME; Melissa Damnics‌,4E - Maia Consulting (moderator)


Vida Rozite,IEA

 17 September - Joint high-level policy workshop

IEA welcome and introduction

Robert Tromop, IEA 

Network standby - state of the art

Vida Rozite‌, IEA

Planned and existing policies and measures

Vida Rozite‌, IEA; Hans-Paul Siderius‌, NL Agency

Moving forward – scope and mechanisms for international
co-operation & a global call for action

Robert Tromop‌, IEA

Beyond network standby – further energy implications and
challenges that need to be addressed

Melissa Damnics‌‌‌, 4E – Maia Consulting

Summary and next steps

Vida Rozite, IEA

If you have any queries,  please contact Vida Rozite (