IEA at COP28: Climate Club leaders roundtable
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Dubai time: 1 December 2023, 17:00-18:30.
The Climate Club is an open, cooperative, and inclusive forum of climate-ambitious countries with the goal of supporting the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and decisions thereunder. It aims to support accelerating climate action and increasing ambition to achieve global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around mid-century, with a particular focus on decarbonising industry. The Climate Club’s focus is on driving ambition and unlocking the potential of decarbonisation in hard-to-abate industrial sectors, starting with steel and cement, thereby supporting green and inclusive growth and making decarbonised industrial production the default business case. It will serve as an enabling framework for increased cooperation, improved coordination and potential collective action. The Climate Club, which was initiated under the German presidency of the G7 in 2022, currently has 27 members representing various regions around the world.
The Climate Club Launch event at the leaders’ segment at COP28 will present the Climate Club as a leading high-ambition intergovernmental forum for exchange on industry decarbonisation which serves as an enabling framework for increased cooperation and collective action across diverse geographies.
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