17 Dec 2024 09:00—12:00
G20 Energy End-Use Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics initiative: Uncovering the role of digitalization for energy efficiency indicators
Opening session – Welcome address
- IEA (IEA Deputy Executive Director)
- Valérie Quiniou (ADEME executive director of prospective and research)
- Masana Ezawa (Director, Energy Efficiency Division - METI Japan)
Session 1 –Setting the scene: the role of end-use data and indicators
- The importance of energy efficiency data for policy-making
- The necessity of disaggregating data to end use
- Recap of important outcomes from the previous workshops
Session 2 – International frameworks for data collection
- Data governance. Institutional frameworks.
- Cooperation within and outside G20
- Existing data collection mechanisms
- Presentations from countries and discussion
- Discussion
Session 3 - Developments in traditional data collection methodologies
- What has been improved recently (data quality, representativeness, reduction of costs)?
- What are the major challenges remaining across data collection methodologies?
- Best practices across end-use sectors and sub-sectors
- Presentations from countries and discussion
- Discussion and wrap-up for the day
Session 4 – From data collection to statistics and indicators
- From surveys to end-use data
- Making sense of the data collected
- Using end use data for benchmarking work
- Presentations from countries and discussion
- Discussion
Session 5 – The role of new technologies/digitalization for end-use data collection
- Overview of the initiative paper and survey results
- The role of new technologies in improving end-use data collection
- Innovative practices implemented
- What are the challenges around use of new technologies for data collection? (Cybersecurity, social acceptance, affordability)
- Presentations from countries
- Presentations from countries and discussion
Session 6 – Setting priorities for further work
- Round table on G20 countries views and possible bilateral/multilateral cooperation
- Lessons learnt
- Next steps