ESAP Expert Workshop II: Demand Response
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Session 1: It’s the demand, stupid
Perspectives and experiences on regulatory frameworks to enable Demand Response. Will demand become more elastic thanks to technology? Is the lack of DR a market failure? Can DR develop without subsidies?
Moderator: Edwin Edelenbos, Programme Manager Smart Grids, Authority for Consumers and Markets, The Netherlands
• European regulatory framework: views and perspective
Manuel Sanchez, Team Leader Smart Grids, European Commission
• The US regulatory framework and initiatives
Arnie Quinn, Director Division of Economic and Technical Analysis, FERC
• Ensuring that market and regulatory arrangements help deliver demand-side flexibility
Joseph Gildea, Sustainable Development Task Force, CEER
Session 2: Experiences in promoting demand response
This session will present innovative business models of demand response aggregators and suppliers
Moderator: Michael Hogan, senior Advisor, The Regulatory Assistance Project
•French regulatory developments and action plan for the implementation of the demand response "From EJP to NEBEF"
Thomas Veyrenc, Director Markets Department, RTE
• Emergency and economic demand response, experience shared from PJM
Craig Glazer, Vice President-Federal Government Policy, PJM
• Encouraging Demand Response in Australia
Neville Henderson, Commissioner, Australian Energy Market Commission
Session 3: New players, roles and business models
Moderator: Colin McKerracher, Energy Smart Technologies - Bloomberg New Energy Finance
• Implementation of demand response in different countries
Jeff Renaud, Senior Director of Market Development, ENERNOC
• The role of aggregators (presentation not made available)
Anne-Soizic Ranchère, Marketing Strategy Director, Energy Pool
• Defining the new role of DSOs
François Blanc, Director of Digital Evolution, ERDF/ Eurelectric
• Behavioral Demand Response: Empowering the Consumer
Simon Hill, Vict-President Regulatoary Affairs EMEA, Opower
John Webster, Vice-President of Marketing & Strategy, EMEA, Opower