Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency Australian Workshop

Workshop — Sydney, Australia


The IEA together with its working partner the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) undertook a new work programme focussing on energy efficiency and energy providers. Formulated under the auspices of the International Partnership on Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) and led by the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency (PEPDEE) activity has been established to promote co-operation and knowledge-sharing on how energy providers can improve the energy efficiency of their customers. Other participating governments included the US, Australia, and the European Commission.

PEPDEE seeks to facilitate co-operation and knowledge-sharing among IEA and IPEEC member countries on how energy providers can improve the efficiency of gas and electricity customers and what regulators and governments can do to mobilize such efforts. PEPDEE’s objective is to improve collaboration by all stakeholders on regulatory mechanisms and programme designs that save energy. In co-operation with Australian DCCEE and DRET, the IEA and the Regulatory Assistance Project delivered an Australia-focused workshop on Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency at the University of Sydney on 12 December 2011. The workshop included presentations by experts on energy efficiency policies for energy providers by experts from the IEA, RAP the European Commission’s DG-Joint Research Center and the Brattle Group.

This was one of several regional policy dialogues to be held as part of the PEPDEE effort. Other policy dialogues, hosted by governments and co-sponsored by regulators and energy provider associations, will be held in the EU, China, and North America.

Workshop Report

Session 1: Welcome, Context and Background

Welcome (DCCEE)
IPEEC-PEPDEE Project and the international trend towards energy-provider delivered (Grayson Heffner, IEA)
(Anthea Harris, DCCEE)

Session 2:  Regulatory mechanisms enabling energy provider delivery of energy efficiency

Presenter:  David Crossley (RAP)
RAP presented their preliminary findings on regulatory mechanisms that enable effective energy efficiency obligations.

Presenter: Dr.Ahmad Faruqui (The Brattle Group)
Dr. Faruqui outlined the various ‘energy efficiency resource standards’ in the US, focussing on US retailers’ experiences of conforming with regulations.

Session 3:  International experience in energy efficiency obligation programs delivered by energy providers
Presenter:  Grayson Heffner (IEA)

The IEA presented the latest research and analysis arising from their stocktake of energy provider-delivered energy efficiency programmes, focussing on energy efficiency obligations and their outcomes.

Presenter: Dr. Paolo Bertoldi (European Commission)
Dr. Bertoldi presented an in-depth examination of European schemes, focussing on the issues above.

Session 4: Panel discussion on existing domestic schemes
This panel was comprised of representatives from the three existing Australian states with energy provider obligations. The session focused on the administration and operation of the schemes.

Henry Adams, Office of Environment and Heritage

Policies for Energy Provider Delivery of Energy Efficiency (PEPDEE) Workshop
Margaret Sniffin, The Energy Savings Scheme

Mike Philipson, Essential Services Commission of South Australia

Rod Woolley, Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET)

Session 5: Panel discussion on energy provider / certificate creator experiences under existing schemes
This panel was comprised of representatives from energy retailers and energy services companies with experience with existing schemes. Panel members highlighted examples of best-practice based on their experience.

Session 6:  Applying PEPDEE findings to consideration of a national ESI
Workshop participants examined how the information was gained from earlier sessions was relevant and applicable to the Government’s consideration of a national ESI.

Session 7: Summary of the day
Presenter:  David Crossley and Grayson Heffner