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Background information
Around the world, the Covid-19 crisis is driving policymakers to grapple with a public health emergency while simultaneously devising social and economic relief and recovery strategies.
Since 2015, global improvements in energy intensity – a key measure of the economy’s energy efficiency – have been declining. This trend suggests that there is an urgent need for action to boost energy efficiency. The Covid-19 crisis adds an extra layer of uncertainty.
This webinar focuses on the highlights of the IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2020 Report. The report includes a detailed analysis of the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on energy demand and efficiency as well as policy responses to date.
The webinar looks at how the crisis is affecting energy-using behaviour both globally and in Latin America. It explores energy efficiency trends in the buildings, industry and transport sectors. The webinar shows how governments are making efficiency a key plank of stimulus packages, creating millions of energy efficiency related jobs worldwide.
The webinar will be presented by Edith Bayer, Jeremy Sung and Yannick Monschauer, Energy Analysts at the IEA. It is the fourth webinar in a series dedicated to discussion of energy efficiency in Latin America in the context of Covid-19.
Other webinars in the series "Energy Efficiency in the Time of Covid-19"