Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) - Global Forum on the Environment and Climate Change

Event — Paris, France

Venue: International Energy Agency, Room 1 & 2

Dates: 1 - 2 October 2019

Organisers: International Energy Agency (IEA), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Contact Email:



The Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) is a forum for promoting dialogue and enhancing understanding between a wide range of countries on technical issues in the international climate change negotiations. The CCXG has provided impartial and rigorous analysis of climate change issues since its foundation in 1993. The secretariat for this group is jointly provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The Global Forum provides a space outside of the UNFCCC negotiations for participants to develop a shared understanding of provisions in the Paris Agreement and how these might be implemented. Participants include practitioners and negotiators from governments as well as delegates from inter-governmental organisations, the private sector, research organisations and other relevant institutions. Discussions take place under Chatham House rules; that is, remarks are not attributed to speakers.

Climate negotiations thus far have focused on reaching an agreement to deliver a robust set of guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 by the end of the year and on implementing the Paris Agreement. Increased attention has been raised on the formulation of long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) and on communicating the next round of NDCs. This Global Forum will focus on specific challenges and opportunities related to developing a LT-LEDS, on various aspects of upcoming negotiations on Article 6 at COP25 and on electricity sector opportunities in the context of NDCs.


Day 1 - Tuesday 1 October


09:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:50

Welcoming Remarks (room 1 and 2)

  • Helen Plume, CCXG Chair
  • Paul Simons, IEA
  • Rodolfo Lacy, OECD

9:50 - 11:00 

Opening Plenary: How can COP 25 promote increased ambition? (Rooms 1 and 2)

  • H. E. Felipe Morandé, Chile
  • H. E. Kay Harrison, New Zealand

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:00

Breakout Group A (Room 1)

Part I: Article 6.4 mechanism design issues (what role for baselines
in ensuring environmental integrity?)


  • H. E. Kay Harrison, New Zealand
  • Mandy Rambharos, South Africa


  • Luca Lo Re, CCXG/IEA
  • Felipe de León, Costa Rica
  • José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez, Brazil
  • Carolyn Luce, Solea Consulting 

 Breakout Group 1 (Room 2)

Part I: Challenges and opportunities in developing LT-LEDS



  • Maria Paz Cigarán, Libelula (Peru)


  • Marcia Rocha, CCXG/OECD
  • Deborah Ramalope, South Africa
  • Tony Ripley, United Kingdom
  • Hanny Chrysolite, WRI Indonesia
  • Yukari Takamura, Japan
  • Victor Richard Osu, Nigeria

13:00 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:00

Breakout Group A (Room 1)

Part II:  Article 6.4 mechanism design issues (benefits and implications of Article 6.4 design for host Parties)


  •  H. E. Kay Harrison, New Zealand
  • Mandy Rambharos, South Africa 


  • Manasvini Vaidyula, CCXG/OECD
  • Diego de León, Mexico 
  • Martin Hession, European Commission


 Breakout Group 1 - Small group discussion (Room 2)

Part II: LT-LEDS (Linking LT-LEDS and NDCs)

During this session, participants will be divided into 4-5 groups of approximately 8-10 participants each. The discussions will build upon session BG 1 – Part I. Each group will be opened by an icebreaker (names tbc). For the last 20 minutes of the session, all the participants are invited to reconvene in the same room to share key outcomes of the discussions.


[15:40-16:00 Reporting back]

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 18:00

Breakout Group (Room 1)

Part III:  Article 6.4 mechanism design issues (governance; approval and issuance procedures)


  • Kelley Kizzier, EDF


  • Jane Ellis, CCXG/OECD
  • Hugh Sealy, Barbados
  • David Hynes, United Kingdom


 Breakout Group 1 - Small group discussion (Room 2)

Part III: LT-LEDS (Governance strategies and stakeholder engagement)

During this session, participants will be divided into 4-5 groups of approximately 8-10 participants each. The discussions will build upon session BG 1 – Part I. Each group will be opened by an icebreaker (names tbc). For the last 20 minutes of the session, all the participants are invited to reconvene in the same room to share key outcomes of the discussions.


[17:40-18:00 Reporting back]

18:00 - 19:30

Cocktail (IEA Cafe)


Day 2 - Wednesday 2 October




09:00 - 10:30

Breakout Group A (Room 1)

Part I: Article 6 – Accounting and environmental integrity (application of corresponding adjustments)


  • Sophie Closson, Belgium
  • Sandra Greiner, Gambia


  • Lambert Schneider, Öko-Institut
  • Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Thailand
  • Seoyoung Lim, Korea
  • Andrei Marcu, ERCST
Breakout Group 2 (Room 2)

Part I: Electricity sector opportunities for more ambitious NDCs (supply side, e.g. transition to renewables; demand side, e.g. energy efficiency and e-mobility)


  • Thomas Wilson, EPRI


  • Alfonso Blanco Bonilla, OLADE
  • Luis Fernando Badanhan, Ministry of Energy of Brazil
  • Xiliang Zhang, Tsinghua University
  • Mandy Rambharos, Eskom
  • Paolo Frankl, IEA
  • Brent Wanner, IEA
  • Felix Matthes, Öko-Institut

Orgnised in partnershipt with:

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

Breakout group B (Room 1)

Part II: Article 6 – Accounting and environmental integrity (safeguards, limits and review)


  • Sophie Closson, Belgium
  • Sandra Greiner, Gambia


  • Simon Fellermeyer, Switzerland
  • MJ Mace, Belize
  • Grégoire Baribeau, Canada
  • Dirk Forrister, IETA

 Breakout Group 2 - Small group discussion (Room 2)

Part II:  Electricity sector opportunities for more ambitious NDCs

During this session, participants will be divided into 4 groups of approximately 10-12 participants each. The discussions will build upon session BG 2 – Part I. Each group will be opened by an icebreaker. 

G1: Thomas Wilson (EPRI)
G2: Alfonso Blanco (OLADE)
G3: Mandy Rambharos, Eskom
G4: Felix Matthes (Öko-Institut)

Orgnised in partnershipt with:

12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Breakout group B (Room 1)

Part III: Article 6 – Accounting and environmental integrity (inside/outside of NDC scope)

Anshari Rahman, Singapore

Chao Feng, Australia
Sonam Tashi, Bhutan (current LDC chair)
Karoliina Anttonen, Finland


Breakout Group 2 (Room 2)

Part III: Electricity sector opportunities for more ambitious NDCs (reporting back)

Thomas Wilson, EPRI

Organised in partnership with: 

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:45

OECD and IEA information session (Room 1 and 2)

Mechthild Wörsdörfer, IEA
Simon Buckle, OECD

16:45 - 17:30

Plenary: Facilitators’ key takeaways from breakout groups (Rooms 1 and 2)

17:30 - 18:00

Closing remarks (Room 1 and 2)


IEA Headquarters,
9 rue de la Fédération,
75015 Paris

(Google maps link)

Additional information

The event is by invitation only.

For all questions:

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