4th IEA International CCS Regulatory Network Meeting

Event — Paris, France


On the first day of the meeting, presenters from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe provided national and regional updates on work being done to progress CCS legal and regulatory frameworks. There were also updates on international legal developments relevant to CCS.

The second day focused on ways in which governments are dealing with some of the more difficult or complex aspects of CCS regulation, including: assessing risk and managing liability; third party access to CCS infrastructure; competition between resources; transboundary issues; pore space management; calculating financial contributions to long-term stewardship; and regulatory issues associated with enhanced oil recovery.


List of Participants

Day 1

Opening session: Welcome and introductions

Welcoming remarks
Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director, IEA

CCS analysis at the IEA, CCS legal and regulatory analysis at the IEA and introduction to the meeting themes
Juho Lipponen and Justine Garrett, IEA Secretariat 

Session 1: Challenges facing CCS and recent advances 
Chair: Juho Lipponen, IEA Secretariat

Stepping-up to the CCS deployment challenge
Sean McCoy, IEA Secretariat

CCS project developments
Ian Havercroft, Global CCS Institute

Next steps for CCS in the CDM and beyond
Marianna Bolshakova, UNFCCC

International marine treaty developments
Luke Warren, Carbon Capture and Storage Association 

CCS and the London Protocol: options for enabling transboundary CO2 transfer
Justine Garrett, IEA Secretariat

Session 2: Recent developments- Australia and the Americas 
Chair: Sean McCoy, IEA Secretariat

Steve Tantala , Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

Western Australia
Colin Harvey, Department of Mines and Petroleum

Kathryn Gagnon, Natural Resources Canada and Colin Alie, Environment Canada

United States
Melisa Pollak, University of Minnesota

Session 3: Recent developments- Europe
Chair: Richard Macrory, University College London

Transposition of the EU CO2 Storage Directive: process and current status
Martina Doppelhammer, European Commission

Key legal issues arising from transposition
Chiara Armeni, University College London 

Panel discussion: Implementing the EU CO2 Storage Directive
Brian Allison, Department of Energy and Climate Change, United Kingdom
Almut Fischer, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany
Lionel Perrette, Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France
Hans Schoenmakers, ROAD Project, Netherlands
Helena Fabra, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Spain

Session 4: Recent developments- Africa and Asia
Chair: Tom Mikunda, ECN

Datuk Loo Took Gee Gee, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water 

Tebogo Segwabe, Geological Survey of Botswana 

South Africa
Muzi Mkhize, Department of Energy

Emerging CCS Standards
Jeff Walker, CSA Standards

Day 2

Session 5: Assessing risk and managing liability
Chair: Bernard Frois, CEA

Framing the liability discussion
Andrew Beatty, Baker & McKenzie 

Quantifying risk
Jonathan Pearce, British Geological Survey

Analogues for liability management
Chris Clarke, University College London 

Panel discussion: Experiences to date
Mike Fernandez, Alberta Energy
Ian Havercroft, Global CCS Institute
Lionel Perrette, Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, France

Session 6: Getting down to details
Chair: Justine Garrett, IEA Secretariat

Competition between resources
Greg Leamon, Geoscience Australia

3rd party access to CCS infrastructure
Brian Allison, Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK

Trans-boundary issues
Tom Mikunda, ECN

Key open issues in the Alberta RFA
Mike Fernandez, Alberta Energy

Session 7: Regulating EOR for storage
Chair: Philip Marston, Marston Law

Global impacts and issues with CCS through EOR
Sean McCoy, IEA 

Accounting for emissions reductions in international greenhouse gas inventories
Paul Zakkour, Carbon Counts 

Legal and regulatory gaps between the regulation of EOR and geologic storage
Ian Havercroft, Global CCS Institute and Philip Marston, Marston Law

Panel discussion: Government perspectives
Mike Fernandez, Alberta Energy
Eva Halland, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
David Hill, Railroad Commission of Texas

Session 8: Incentive policies for CCS
Chair: Sean McCoy, IEA Secretariat

A policy strategy for CCS
Wolf Heidug, IEA Secretariat

Incentivising CCS in developing countries
Alice Gibson, Global CCS Institute

Closing Session
Chairs: Justine Garrett and Sean McCoy, IEA Secretariat

IEA CCS Law and Regulation Database
Lachlan Tait, Baker & McKenzie 

Discussion of open issues and wrap-up
How can the network help you?
Justine Garrett and Sean McCoy, IEA Secretariat