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Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators

Annual data from 2000 covering end-use energy consumption, now featuring end-use carbon emissions for the IEA member countries and beyond. The data is updated twice a year, at the end of each semesters.

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The Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators database contains annual data from 2000 covering end use energy consumption by energy product, end use carbon emissions, and associated indicators across four sectors of final consumption (industry, services, residential and transport) for the IEA member countries and beyond. The database includes the full disaggregation available of for all the years between 2000 and 2022. The indicators are computed by using key sectorial activity data, for example, passenger-kilometre energy intensity by mode/vehicle type (MJ/pkm).

In 2023-2024, the database underwent a restructuration aiming at clearer segmentation of end-uses, stronger harmonisation with other datasets, as well as improved internal processes. From the July 2024 edition, the new structure applies; for this reason, this edition does not feature decomposition analyses but it will be reinstated in the following publication to show the impact of different drivers (e.g. activity, structure and efficiency) on consumption trends.

A free demo and availability file (see below) contains data for selected years and countries, mirroring the structure of the full database and providing detailed information about the available data. Additionally a free version of the database (Highlights) contains data for selected end-uses and years, with associated indicators indexed to the year 2000.

Finally, the national data collection practices contains methodologies to collect data on energy end-uses across sectors. The new guide to designing a national roadmap on demand-side data and energy efficiency indicators provides options and good practices for the collection and development of such datasets at the national level.

Data sets

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Complete database

The excel version of database contains end-use energy consumption by energy product, end-use carbon emissions, and associated indicators across four sectors of final consumption (industry, transport, residential and services), as well as activity and data for decomposition of final energy consumption drivers. ZIP files contains data in IVT (all sectors) and fixed-width TXT formats (by sector).

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Extended database (IVTs)
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Extended database (Excel file)
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Extended database (sectoral TXTs: IND, SER, RES, TRA)


The Industry IVT file includes industry energy use, energy indicators, activity, emissions and carbon indicators by industry sub-sector. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Industry


The Services IVT file Includes services energy use, energy indicators, activity, emissions and carbon indicators and by services end use. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Services


The Residential IVT file includes residential energy use, energy indicators, activity, emissions and carbon indicators and by residential end use. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Residential


The Transport IVT file includes transport energy use, energy indicators, activity, emissions, carbon indicators and activity indicators by transport mode/vehicle type. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - Transport


The Decomposition IVT file includes savings due to the 43 factor analysis for energy consumption and 34 factor analysis for emissions. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format. Decomposition analysis is not available but will be made available in the next release.

  • File
    .Stat Suite
  • Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators - decomposition


The data is updated twice a year at the end of each semester.

  • 23/07/2024

    July 2024

  • 16/06/2023

    June 2023

  • 27/11/2023

    November 2023