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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy

Annual time series of GHG emissions from energy, a major source of anthropogenic emissions. This database is updated twice a year. The April update includes all OECD and IEA family countries plus selected additional countries up to year-2. The final edition released in August includes data for all countries and regions up to year-2 and additional provisional data for OECD and selected countries up to year-1.

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The Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy database (upgrade of the former CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion) contains global annual GHG emissions from energy and related indicators, including CO2, CH4, N20 emissions from fuel combustion and fugitive emissions. This edition includes annual data for 205 countries and 38 regional aggregates, generally from 1960 (OECD) and from 1971 (Non-OECD).

Emissions from fuel combustion were calculated using IEA energy balances and the default methods and emission factors given in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for GHG inventories. The fugitive emissions data are obtained from the IEA Global Methane Tracker 2024.

With the objective to increase the scope of greenhouse gas emissions estimations, the IEA has covered starting the 2021 edition the broad set of energy-related emissions, accounting for bulk of the category 1 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for GHG inventories. The additional coverage includes:

- Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion: estimates for CH4 and N2O have been added, following a methodology similar to that for the estimates of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, and considering the type and level of disaggregation of activity data available at country level.

- Fugitive emissions of CO2 and CH4 from the coal, oil and gas energy sectors are now included for 93 countries and 18 regions. This includes category 1B of the 2006 IPCC guidelines for GHG inventories

- Aggregated figures for total energy-related greenhouse gas emissions are now included for 93 countries and 18 regions.

Additionally, with the objective to increase the policy-relevance of the statistical information provided, the IEA has included starting the 2021 edition time series of a set of CO2-related socio-economic indicators for a complementing set of over fifty countries in the CO2 emissions indicators data file of this database, to complement total emissions time series.

Following the upgrade in content, the IEA has also expanded the set of socio-economic indicators, adding new indicators based on total greenhouse gas emissions from energy.

Finally, from the 2024 edition onwards, the IEA has expanded the database to include an additional file with data explicitly mapping the complete 2006 IPCC Guidelines levels of disaggregation. For this purpose, the IEA has benefited from the granular data included in the IEA Electricity Information database for OECD member countries and beyond. The newly added data file includes identical nomenclature as per the 2006 IPCC Guidelines to allow explicit mapping between the IEA estimates and the national GHG inventories.

A free highlights version of the database is also available. Data can also be visualized in our interactive Greenhouse gas emissions data explorer.

Important note: the CO2 emission factors from electricity generation are no longer included in this data service. They are offered as a separate product, Emissions Factors.

GHG emissions from fuel combustion

Aggregated GHG emissions by sector and by product category. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • GHG emissions from fuel combustion

CO2 emissions indicators

This file contains emissions-related, energy and socio-economic indicators.

  • File
  • CO2 emissions indicators

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion (detailed estimates)

Detailed CO2 emissions by subsector and by product. ZIP file contains data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • CO2 emissions from fuel combustion (detailed estimates)

Allocation of emissions from electricity and heat

This file contains CO2 emissions after reallocation of emissions from electricity and heat generation to consuming sectors.

  • File
  • Allocation of emissions from electricity and heat

Greenhouse gas emissions estimates matching the energy module of 2006 IPCC Guidelines

Greenhouse gas emissions from energy after allocation of fuel-use from autoproducers to the demand sectors as recommended by IPCC. The file includes identical nomenclature as per the 2006 IPCC Guidelines to allow explicit mapping between the IEA estimates and the national GHG inventories.

  • File
  • Greenhouse gas emissions estimates matching the energy module of 2006 IPCC Guidelines

IPCC fuel combustion emissions corrected for boundaries

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, with Reference and Sectoral Approach totals, as well as detailed split between emissions across the Energy, and Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sectors, as recommended in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for GHG inventories.

  • File
  • IPCC fuel combustion emissions corrected for boundaries

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion starting in 1751

This file contains total CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, for 18 regions, for years starting in 1751.

  • File
  • CO2 emissions from fuel combustion starting in 1751


This service is updated two times a year with a progressively broader geographical coverage. The April update includes all OECD countries, all IEA family countries (IEA members, Association and Accession countries), and any other country for which data up through year-2 have been received and validated. The final edition released in August includes complete time series of GHG emissions from energy by source and sector for all countries and regions up to the year-2, based on the latest IEA World Energy Balances.

  • 02/08/2024

    August 2024 - World data

  • 31/07/2023

    August 2023 - World data

  • 24/04/2023

    April 2023 - IEA Family and beyond
