Mandatory Energy Audit and Management for Major Energy Users (part of 21/2011/ND-CP)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 23 October 2019

This policy forms part of the Regulations and Measures for Enforcing Energy and Efficiency Energy Use (21/2011/ ND-CP)


The policy governs the designation of major energy users and the reporting responsibilities, audit requirements, as well as energy efficiency plans.



Article 6. Identification of major energy users


1. Major energy users are establishments consuming energy at the following rates:

a) Industrial and agricultural production establishments and transport units which annually consume energy of a total of one thousand tons of oil equivalent (1,000 TOE) or higher;

b) Construction works used as offices and houses; educational, medical, entertainment, physical training and sports establishments; hotels, supermarkets, restaurants and shops which annually consume energy of a total of five hundred tons of oil equivalent (500 TOE) or higher.


2. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in, proposing the Government to adjust the identification of major energy users suitable to national socio-economic development.


Article 7. Listing of major energy users


1. State economic groups and corporations shall examine, review and list major energy users under their management and send such lists to the Ministry of Industry and Trade before February 1 every year.


2. Provincial-level People's Committees shall direct local specialized agencies in examining, reviewing and listing major energy users in their localities for making a general list for submission to the Ministry of Industry and Trade before February 1 every year.


3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors and provincial-level People's Committees in, proposing the Prime Minister to promulgate a list of major energy users nationwide before March 31 every year.


Article 8. Energy management model


Major energy users shall apply energy management models with the following principal contents:


1. Announcement of objectives and policies on economical and efficient use of energy in their establishments.


2. Annual and five-year planning of economical and efficient use of energy in their establishments; formulation and application of measures for economical and efficient use of energy according to their set objectives, policies and planning; definition of responsibilities of each, collective and person to implement plans on economical and efficient use of energy.


3. Availability of a network and energy managers as provided in Clause 1, Article 35 of the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy.


4. Regular check and monitoring of energy consumption demands of devices and equipment of entire production chains, and the installation, upgrading and repair of energy-consuming equipment of their establishments.


5. Energy audit; proposal and selection of managerial and technological solutions for economical and efficient use of energy.


6. Regular training and retraining in economical and efficient use of energy for employees.


7. Adoption of reward and discipline regimes to promote economical and efficient use of energy in their establishments.


Article 9. Energy audit


1. Energy audit covers the following principal jobs:

a) Surveying, measurement and collection of data on energy use by establishments;

b) Analysis, calculation and evaluation of energy use efficiency;

c) Assessment of energy saving potential;

d) Proposal of solutions for energy saving;

e) Analysis of investment effectiveness of proposed energy saving solutions.


2. Major energy users shall submit energy audit reports to provincial-level Industry and Trade Departments within 30 days after conducting energy audit.


Article 10. Planning on economical and efficient use of energy


1. Major energy users shall adopt annual and five-year plans on economical and efficient use of energy:

a) Annual plans shall be made annually;

b) Five-year plans shall be made for each five-year period.


2. Annual and five-year plans cover the following principal parts:


a) Evaluation of implementation of the plan of the previous year (for annual plans) or the previous five years (for five-year plans);

b) Planning on economical and efficient use of energy for the planning year (for annual plans) or the next five years (for five-year plans).


3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall guide contents and forms of, and time, order and procedures for submitting, the reports specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.

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