Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule requires large sources and suppliers in the United States to report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually. The rule was signed on 22 March 2010 by EPA Administrator Jackson. Under the rule, five types of suppliers of fossil fuels or industrial greenhouse gases, manufacturers of vehicles and engines (except light duty sector), and facilities from 25 source categories that emit 25 000 metric tonnes or more per year of GHG (CO2e) emissions are required to monitor and report emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and other fluorinated gases). The new Rule will cover approximately 85% of the country's GHG emissions and apply to approximately 10 000 facilities. The Rule will allow the collection of accurate and comprehensive emissions data which will be used to inform future policy decisions. The new reporting system will provide a better understanding of where GHGs are coming from and will guide development of the best possible policies and programmes to reduce emissions. The data will also allow businesses to track their own emissions, compare them to similar facilities, and provide assistance in identifying cost-effective ways to reduce emissions in the future. The first annual reports for the largest emitting facilities, covering calendar year 2010 (monitoring begins 1 January 2010), were to be submitted to EPA 31 March 2011. Vehicle and engine manufacturers outside of the light-duty sector will begin phasing in GHG reporting with model year 2011. EPA is responsible for verification of emissions data.

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