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Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry In Nigeria (EGASPIN)

Last updated: 4 February 2022

Outlines the requirements for environmental management and pollution abatement at all stages of the petroleum production process. Requires the submissions of environmental impact assessment to the Department of Petroleum Resources before the granting of a license. Revised in 2002.


Part III (Production), Sec. prohibits gas flaring, then states if flaring must occur, operators must secure a waiver and permit to flare gas; they must pay the necessary fines for every standard cubic meter flared; they must pre-treat the gas; create a setback of 60 m radius for the flare; ensure complete combustion; close system valves when flare is in use (to prevent venting); and ensure "leakages minimized".  


Sec. 4.4 Licensees/operators must estimate potential emissions; register the points of emission and secure permits; and monitor ambient air quality (sample in the flue gas pipe, at the flare, and at distances of 200 m intervals away in the direction of the prevailing wind). Sec. 4.4.5 and Table III-3 provide maximum limits of air pollutants. 


In Part IV (Terminals), the guidelines note that hydrocarbon emissions could occur at tank vents, and refers back to the flaring section.


Part V (Refining) observes that emissions might occur at flare towers or as general fugitive emissions. Sec. 4 of Petroleum Refining subpart suggests several possible controls of hydrocarbon emissions - routing off-gas to a boiler or process heater; recycling off-gas through the absorber; properly designed storage tanks; integrate HC vapour recovery systems; activated carbon; or wet scrubbers/ condensors on the vents of fixed roof tanks. Subparts for other refining facilities (including gas processing plans, blending plants) refer back to these possible control technologies. 


In Part VI (Oil and Gas Transportation), the guidelines suggest controlling HC emissions from vessels and cargos with a vapour recovery system.

Sec. 3.2.1 requires pipelines to be patrolled and inspected once a month or as approved by the Director of Petroleum Resources.


Part VIII provides detail on the EIA process as it applies to oil and gas activities, which shall include air emissions.


Part IX indicates that permits will be issued to new and existing facilities, limiting discharges from point sources (including gas effluent). New sources will be required to apply the best available demonstrated control technology; plans and specs must be approved in advance.


The Guidelines authorise the Department to inspect, and assess penalties up to N500K or possible imprisonment for failure to cooperate with an investigation. Failure to register point sources are also subject to penalty or possible imprisonment for failure.


Governed by Department of Petroleum Resources.

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