Japan’s Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement (Cabinet decision, June 11, 2019)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 25 November 2019

Japan will promote achieving drastic energy efficiency under this plan.


Basic concepts:

  • Proclaiming a “decarbonized society” as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050
  • Realizing “a virtuous cycle of environment and growth” towards the vision with business-led disruptive innovation, Swift implementation of actions from now, contributing to the world, Action Towards a bright Society with Hope for the Future


The Vision of Each Sector and the Direction of Measures:

  1. Energy: For energy transition/decarbonisation, pursuing every option
  2. Industry: Decarbonized manufacturing
  3. Transport: the challenge of ”Well-to-Wheel Zero Emission”
  4. Community and Living: Achieving carbon neutral, resilient and comfortable communities and living by 2050/ creating the “Circulating and Ecological Economy”
  5. Measures for Carbon Sinks


Cross-sectoral Measures for Achieving a Virtuous Cycle of Environment and Growth

  1. Promotion of Innovation
  2. Promotion of Green Finance
  3. Business-led Promotion of International Application, and International Cooperation

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