TA-8356 National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy, Strategy and Roadmap for Myanmar
supported technologies: Industry, High Efficiency Motor, HE boiler, EE Furnace, EE Kiln, Cogeneration, Waste Heat Recovery, Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, HE Motor, Variable Speed Drive and Energy Management System, Commercial, HE Lighting, AC, Office Equipment through MEPS, LPG Cooking and Solar water Heating, Residential, HE Lighting, Refrigeration, MEPS for appliances, LPG Cooking and Solar water Heating, Public, HE Lighting, AC, Office Equipment through MEPS, LPG Cooking and Solar water Heating and LED Street Lighting
- Road vehicles
- Space, water and process heating technologies
- Space cooling
- Lighting technologies
- Appliances
- Refrigerators (incl. combined refrigerators-freezers)
- Cooking
- Plug loads
- Office equipment
- Industry sector-specific processes and technologies
- Manufacuturing technologies and systems
- Motors
- Transport technologies
- Gas cook stoves
- Domestic and building-scale boilers
- Heating, cooling and climate control technologies