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Energy Efficiency Labeling and Standard

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 July 2024

The program mandates Energy Efficiency Labelling and Standard of commonly used products that consume large amount of energy. This is to accelerate development of energy efficiency technology and encourage consumers to purchase energy saving products.


The program, which started in 1992, mandates energy efficiency rating labelling of the target products. The efficiency rating range is based on 5 increasing levels (1~5) from the less energy consuming product (level 1) to the highest one (level 5). The production and sales of products that do not meet the minimum energy performance standards is banned.


Targets of the program are manufacturers and importers of the target products are obliged to report the efficiency ratings of their products


Target products are refrigerators, freezers, kimchi refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, drum washing machines, dish washers, dish dryers, hot and cold water dispensers, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, electric fans, air cleaners, incandescent lamps, florescent lamps, florescent lamp ballasts, compact fluorescent lamps, three-phase induction motors, residential gas boilers, adapters and chargers, electric cooling and heating appliances, commercial refrigerators, gas water heaters, electric transformers, window-sets, television sets, electric fan heaters, electric stove, electric multi-heat pump system, dehumidifiers, electric heating pads, electric heated water mattresses, electric heating boards, electric beds, electric radiators (total 35 products)

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