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Sixth Amendment to the Specific Regulation on Sustainability and Resource Efficiency (Ordinance No. 57-B / 2015) giving incentives to decarbonize public transport - Ordinance No. 332/2018

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 22 October 2019

The Ordinance No. 57-B/2015 established the conditions of access and finance for operations presented for sustainability and resource efficiency in Portugal. This includes:


1. Promotion of production and distribution of energy from renewable sources

2. Promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy use in business

3. Support for energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energies in central government public infrastructure

4. Support for energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy in Local Government public infrastructure

5. Support for energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy in the housing sector

6. Support for energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in the social housing sector

7. Development and deployment of smart distribution systems operating at low and medium voltage levels

8. Energy efficiency and diversification in public transport and promoting the use of green transport and sustainable mobility

9. Promotion of low carbon strategies for all types of territories, including urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility


The Ordinance No. 332/2018 is an amendment to the Ordinance No. 57-B/2015 which gives further incentives to decarbonize public transport in Portugal. The former states: "The specific objective is to support the development of mobility plans and interventions in the area of ??sustainable mobility to promote energy efficiency, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting the competitiveness of public transport services."

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