Proyecto de Energia Renovable en el Mercado Electrico Rural (PERMER) - Phase II

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 3 May 2024

PERMER is a public policy for energizing the dispersed rural areas of Argentina. The objective of the second phase of the project (PERMER II) is the electrification of the dispersed rural market and energizing (by thermal energy) of public services, through renewable technologies, incipiently, photovoltaic and wind. The project has a national scope and the provinces have to express their adhesion.

Among the projects funded, at the beginning of 2023, in the framework of PERMER, the Ministry of Energy completed the delivery of solar oxboys in 11 provinces. In october 2022, the National Secretariat of Energy, through PERMER, awarded the tender to supply electricity from renewable energies to 281 public establishments in 19 provinces. 

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