Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 33//PMK.010//2017 over the types of Motorized Vehicles Subject to Sales Tax on Luxury Goods and Procedures for Granting Exemption from Imposition of Sales Tax on Luxury Goods

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 December 2022

Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 33//PMK.010//2017, as an amendent to Regulation of Minister of Finance No 64/PMK.011/2014 applied a 0% Luxury-Goods Sales Tax for the motor vehicles that are considered as low cost and green car. 
Such tax rebate applies with the following conditions: 
1. ICE with a cylinder capacity up to 1.200 cc and fuel consumption at least for 20 (twenty) kilometers per liter or the other equal fuel 
2. Diesel with the cylinder capacity up to 1.500 cc and fuel consumption at least for 20 (twenty) kilometers per liter or the other equal fuel

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