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Energy efficient buildings for low-income households (EcoCasa)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Initiated in 2013, the seven-year Ecohome programme, also known as "EcoCasa €, is managed by the government Federal Mortgage Society (Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal - SHF) and supported by the German KfW Development Bank (KfW, 2014). The aim is to promote energy efficient social housing that reduces CO2 emissions by 20% to 40% compared to typical existing buildings (baseline house).
The eligible technologies covered by the programme include insulation of ceilings and walls, reflective paint, efficient gas heaters and others. EcoCasa has expanded its scope over time and now integrates new sustainability criteria such as water consumption, housing environment and carbon footprint of construction materials.
The SHF offers low-interest loans to project developers who invest in sustainable houses for low- and middle-income people. The requirements are defined by bioclimatic zone.
By May 2018, the programme had certified 56 307 houses and financed 47 302 (84%), establishing contracts with 75 project developers for 201 projects. Other accumulated results are:

1 801 824 tCO2e reductions over the house lifespan.

219 597 Mexicans Beneficiaries in 22 States.
Overall, the EcoCasa programme will invest approximately USD 230 million. The KfW Development Bank is providing a loan of EUR 128 million (euros) to SHF of which USD 102 million is from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). The programme is also one of the first to make use of USD 15.6 million from Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) financing.

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