GB 12021.3-2004: The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for room air conditioners
Applies to air-cooling condensor, completely closed type electric motor-compressor type AC, whose cooling capacity is below 14000W and climate type is T1. Doest Not apply to multi-split, portable and variable speed room air conditioners.
Unitary type:
- CC = 4500: EER 2.30;
- CC > 4500: EER 2.30
Split type:
- CC = 2500: EER 2.60;
- 2500 < CC = 4500: EER 2.60;
- 4500 < CC = 7100: EER 2.50;
- 7100 < CC = 14000: EER 2.40
CC= cooling capacity expressed in W
EER= energy efficiency ratio W/W
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