Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project

Last updated: 2 August 2023

The Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) is a flagship project of the Ministry of Energy, financed by the World Bank, which aims at providing electricity and clean cooking solutions in remote, low density and traditionally underserved areas of the country. The project mobilises a total of USD 150 million to deliver 250 000 stand-alone solar home systems, 120 mini-grids and 150 000 clean cooking solutions to households. Out of the standalone solar facilities, USD 25 million is allocated to community facilities, including around 800 health and educational facilities. It also aims at developing sustainable supply chains for solar home systems and cooking solutions, while ensuring sustainable local employment opportunities and capacity building. KOSAP covers 14 of the 47 counties in Kenya, which have been defined as “marginalised areas”, representing 20% of the country’s population.

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