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Ministerial Resolution No 390-2019 to create the Committee for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Energy and Mines

Last updated: 2 November 2022

In 2019, in the application of the principle of legal equality established in article 2 of the Peruvian Constitution and article 4 of Law No 28983 on equal opportunities between women and men, the Peruvian Ministry of Mines and Energy enacted Resolution No 390 to create a Committee for Gender Equality in the Ministry. 

Later, in February 2021, Resolution No 390-2019 was amended by Ministerial Resolution No 035-2021 to update the committee composition. As a result, the Committee has the following members:

  • The Ministry General Secretary, in the representation of the Minister, who will be the Committee’s president;
  • The Chief of the Ministry General Office of planning and budget, who is also the Committee’s Technical Secretary;
  • The Chief of the Ministry Office of Human Resources;
  • The Chief of the Ministry Office of Institutional Image and Communication;
  • The General Director of the Energy Efficiency General Direction in the representation of the Vice-Ministerial Mining Office;
  • The General Director of Mining Formalisation in the representation of the Vice-Ministerial Mining Office; and
  • The General Director of the General Direction of Hydrocarbons environmental matters, in the representation of the Vice-Ministerial Hydrocarbons office.

Regarding the Committee’s functions, article 2 of Resolution No 390-2019 establishes that it shall: 

  1. Prepare an annual plan of activities to reduce gender gaps and coordinate with relevant bodies to ensure these activities are included in related planning instruments;
  2. Propose strategies to identify good institutional practices and generate a gender equality organisational culture;
  3. Monitor the implementation of national policies on gender equality and the alignment of management instruments to the objectives, goals, and indicators of these national policies;
  4. Issue reports on the progress and results of the policies, plans, programs, and projects for gender equality;
  5. Conduct other activities that are considered necessary for the fulfilment of the Committee's objectives.

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