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National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 9 August 2024

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM) was established in 1989 to support environmental action effectively and efficiently. The fund is the main source of financing green investments in Poland supporting for the sustainable development aiming to enhance the quality of life of its inhabitants. The fund is acting pursuant to the Act of the Environmental Law and according to the EU principle: ‘the polluter pays’. 


Its incomes are mainly from charges and fines for using the environment, maintenance and concession charges, energy sector charges, charges resulting from the Act on recycling of vehicles withdrawn from use, and sales of greenhouse gases emission units. 


In the period of 1989-2014, the National Fund concluded contracts for co-financing of projects, spending around PLN 36.6 billion from its own funds and financed ecological projects with around PLN 23.4 billion from the European funds being at its disposal.


The Clean Air Programme, District Heating Programme, EV programme, energy-efficient construction, amongst other programmes.  

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