National Hydrogen Strategy Preliminary Guidelines

Last updated: 30 June 2021

Published by the Ministry of Economic Development, the National Hydrogen Strategy Preliminary Guidelines set the vision and targets for hydrogen penetration toward a decarbonized and sustainable economy.By 2030, the ambition is to reach a 2% hydrogen penetration in final energy demand, including applications in long-distance freight transport, heavy industry, refineries and blending into the gas grid. To supply this demand, 5 GW of electrolysis capacity is expected to be installed in the same period. By 2050, the target goes to 20%, including also energy storage in the power sector and residential buildings applications.Up to EUR 10 Billion of investments, from national and European resources, are required between 2020 and 2030, both in RD and in the supply chain, as well as to create the infrastructure for the final use.The strategy defines three theoretical models of green hydrogen production: complete on-site production, on-site production with renewable electricity transportation, centralized production with hydrogen transportation. It also envisions the deployment of hydrogen valleys, industrial clusters of concentrated production and consumption, with the advantage of reducing electricity and hydrogen transportation.The Ministry expect emissions reduction of about 8 Mton CO2eq by 2030 and the creation of up to 10 thousands permanent jobs in the middle term.The public consultation phase ended in December 2020, the final version of the document is expected in 2021.

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