The Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise Initiative (CarbonSAFE)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 August 2021
The United States’ Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative is aimed at developing CO2 storage projects, with a goal to ensure the projects will be ready for CCUS deployment by 2025-2030. More specifically, the CarbonSAFE Initiative aims to “address the R & D knowledge gaps and develop the technologies needed to nationally deploy commercial scale (50+ million metric tons) CO2 storage; understand the development of a CCUS storage complex from the feasibility study through the point of injection; improve understanding of commercial-scale project screening, site selection, geologic characterization, modelling, and monitoring; and address both the technical and non-technical challenges associated with characterization, permitting, and monitoring of a geologic storage complex.” The US Department of Energy and National Energy Technology Laboratory are responsible for the CarbonSAFE Initiative. It was started in 2016, and as of 2019, 19 projects have been funded.

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