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China’s Electric Power Sector Transformation

Paris Time

This webinar is jointly organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA), China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute (EPPEI), the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing, Danish Energy Agency (DEA) with support from China National Energy Administration (NEA), the French Development Agency (AFD) and the European Commission.

The main objective of this webinar is to provide insights into the China’s electric power sector transition both in the near future (14th Five-year) and in the medium & long run (2035/2050), with input from international and Chinese experts on deliberately selected topics covering:

  • Analysis of China’s potential flexible resources from physical aspect (supply, grid, & demand sides) and mechanism facet (e.g. market mechanism) to facilitate transition;
  • Highlight the critical role of supporting policy and mechanism bolstering the transition, and provide tangible policy suggestions; and
  • Outlook on China’s renewable energy & other clean energy development and power system upgrading, framing roadmap for electric power sector transformation.

The IEA’s role as a [co-]organiser of this event is facilitated through IEA’s Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952363.

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