Fuel economy in Russia

This report is part of Global Fuel Economy Initiative 2021

Market profile and analysis of fuel consumption trends

In 2019, light-duty vehicle (LDV) sales reached 1.8 million in the Russia Federation (Russia). Average fuel consumption of Russian LDVs was 8.3 gasoline equivalent per 100 kilometres (Lge/100 km) in 2019, roughly 16% above the global average. Fuel economy improvements between 2005 and 2019 have been marginal in Russia, with fuel consumption of LDVs decreasing 0.9% on average per year. Fuel consumption of large cars in 2019 remained unchanged from its 2005 average of 8.3 Lge/100 km, while fuel consumption of city cars increased from 6.8 Lge/100 km in 2005 to 7.5 Lge/100 km in 2019. Other segments have seen slight improvements in fuel economy.

Fossil fuel powered vehicles dominate the LDV market in Russia. Gasoline vehicles were 89% of LDV sales in 2019, and the remainder were diesel vehicles. Diesel powertrains are primarily present in the large SUV/pick-up segment, which accounted for 8% of LDV sales in 2019. The sales share of small SUV/pick-ups grew from 9% in 2005 to 36% in 2019. City cars and medium cars accounted for the majority of the remaining share of LDVs. A growing market for SUVs and increasing weight in the smaller vehicle segment led to a 13% increase in the average LDV weight in Russia since 2005, reaching 1 463 kg in 2019 (1% below the global average).  

Overview of current fuel economy policy

Russia does not have any standards for fuel efficiency or greenhouse gas emissions for transport. In 2021, plans were announced to increase the number of electric vehicles, with the aim of having electric vehicles reach 10% of the total volume of vehicles produced by the end of 2030. Other goals include increasing electric charging and hydrogen refuelling stations. Announced measures to reach this goal include a subsidy that covers 25% of the purchase price of Russian-made electric vehicles. Starting in 2022, electric car drivers will be able to access toll roads at no cost.