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Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (External Power Supplies)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 9 April 2019

The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (External Power Supplies) Determination 2014 (Determination) establishes minimum energy use and energy labelling requirements, and associated requirements for conducting tests, for single output external power supplies (EPS).


The Determination revokes and replaces the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (External Power Supplies) Determination 2012 (the revoked Determination). In substance, the Determination reproduces the revoked Determination along with the following changes:


permitting the labelling of EPS as mark VI, if they:

exceed the energy performance requirements for mark V as mentioned in Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4665 (AS/NZS 4665); and

meet the requirements for mark VI of the International Efficiency Marking Protocol for External Power Supplies, Version 3.0 (IEMP); and

providing that external power supplies that exceed the energy performance requirements for mark V of AS/NZS 4665 will meet the high efficiency level if they meet the requirements for Mark VI of the IEMP.

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