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Colombian Standard for public reporting of the results of mineral exploration, resources and reserves (ECRR)

Last updated: 11 December 2023

The Standard for public reporting in the mining sector (ECRR) was published by the Colombian Commission of Mineral Resources and Reserves under the National Mining Agency in May 2018. The ECRR aims to facilitate investment in the mining industry by providing reliable and transparent information regarding both the financial value and the socioeconomic, juridical and environmental aspects of mining activity. The standard is guided by four principles: transparency, materiality, competency and impartiality. 
The ECRR is aligned with comparable international reporting standards for the mining industry and recognised by the Committee of Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO). In June 2018, the Agency passed Resolution 299 to include the Standard in the Terms of Reference of the Program of Works, which establishes the requirements and conditions for the mining industry. The Resolution stipulates that the technical documents presented by mining titleholders should fall under the guidelines of the ECRR or another international standard recognised by CRIRSCO. 
In Resolution 100 of 17 March 2020, the National Mining Agency established the conditions and frequency of reporting. Under Article 5 of this resolution, deadlines were set for mining titleholders that were already approved to update their public reporting in line with the ECRR:

  • For large-scale mining, by December 31, 2021;
  • For medium-scale mining, by December 31, 2022; 
  • For small-scale mining, by December 31, 2023.

Furthermore, the Resolution declared that information related to reserves and resources should be updated annually by mining titleholders. 

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