Important message for WDS users

The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.

Finance Industry Advisory Board

Enabling more structured dialogue with the energy finance community

The Finance Industry Advisory Board (FIAB) was convened by the International Energy Agency to facilitate a structured dialogue with the energy finance community on a range of issues affecting energy investment, in particular as they relate to clean energy transitions.

The FIAB brings together representatives of leading actors in the world of energy finance, including banks, asset managers and international financial institutions. Its first meeting took place on 2 March 2023.


The FIAB has three main aims:

  • To provide for a structured exchange of views on the main IEA analytical outputs relating to energy investment and finance. These include the annual World Energy Investment and investment-related aspects of the World Energy Outlook.
  • To provide an institutional channel for dialogue between the energy finance community and energy policy makers, who meet regularly in various IEA committees and working groups, on the issues that affect flows of capital to the energy sector.
  • To allow for regular exchanges on the use of IEA scenarios.