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France’s “MaPrimeRénov” Programme

Last updated: 2 August 2023

Since 1 January 2020, the tax credit for energy transition (CITE) and the programme “Habiter Mieux Agilité”, led by the national housing agency (ANAH) merged into a single grant called "MaPrimeRénov’". This grant can be used by homeowners to partially cover the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to their homes. Compared to the former tax credit, MaPrimRénov is simpler, more efficient and encompasses social justice with a higher funding rate for low-income families. In 2020, MaPrimeRénov received the largest budget allocation to date for energy efficient building retrofits, amounting to EUR 570 million. Despite the Covid crisis, more than 140 000 MaPrimeRénov’ grants were delivered that year. Since 1 January 2021, the tax credit is no longer available and MaPrimeRénov has been extended thanks to the France Relance plan for all homeowners and landlords, including co-owners in collective buildings. The grant can now also cover part of the cost of a renovation consultant; bonuses were created to incentivise higher energy-efficient renovations. More than 500 000 MaPrimeRénov grants have been delivered to date in 2021, and over 8 million visits were registered on the platform The aim of the programme is now to finance the retrofit of 700 000 to 800 000 dwellings a year, with a budget allocation of EUR 2 billion in 2022. 

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