Search results for
Climate Change
National Climate Resilience Assessment for Chile
National Climate Resilience Assessments
National Climate Resilience Assessment for Iraq
Climate Resilience for Energy Security in Southeast Asia
Data sets
Hydrogen Production and Infrastructure Projects Database
Tracks data on projects for the production of hydrogen for energy or climate change-mitigation purposes and the development of hydrogen infrastructure
CCUS Projects Database
Covers all large-scale CO2 capture, transport, storage, and utilisation projects commissioned or in planning worldwide.
Data explorers
EV Life Cycle Assessment Calculator
Explore and compare the lifecycle emissions of conventional and electric cars and the effect of changing variables such as vehicle size
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Data Explorer
Explore energy and emission data by country, end-uses and product, from 2000 onwards in four sectors (residential, services, industry and transport) for IEA member countries and beyond
Climate Pledges Explorer
From policy ambition to real action, the IEA’s latest interactive database provides country and regional outlooks on climate commitments and net zero pledges
CCUS Projects Explorer
Covers all large-scale CO2 capture, transport, storage, and utilisation projects commissioned or in planning worldwide.
Australia 2010 In force State/Provincial
We can’t defeat climate change by investing in a handful of countries. The world needs to come together at COP28 – and fund a just energy transition