Colorado Energy Efficiency Obligation

Last updated: 5 November 2017
In 2007, the government of Colorado introduced an energy efficiency obligation for all sectors except transport, covering electricity and gas. Obligated parties include investor-owned electricity and natural gas utilities. The obligation seeks to achieve an electricity savings target in 2016 of 1.42% of sales equaling 441 GWh, and natural gas savings target commensurate with spending targets of at least 0.5% of prior year's revenue. Eligible energy efficiency measures include lighting; motors; drives; heating systems; HVAC; insulation; refrigeration; showerheads; and social norms. Calculation of savings for prescriptive products is based on deemed savings, for custom projects, scaled savings and for pilot projects, metered savings. Monitoring & verification evaluation of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programmes in Colorado relies on regulatory orders; evaluations are administered by the utilities; audits of sample of measures to ensure quality and performance.

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