Call 11(Aviso 11) -FEE- Promoting Energy Efficiency in Hotels 2015

Last updated: 14 September 2020
The Energy Efficiency Fund created by the Decree numbre 50/2010 is a finacial instrument. Its goals are: - to finance programs and measures planned in the National Plan for Energy Efficiency Actions (PNAEE 2016) - incentivize energy efficiency improvements both on the side of citizens and businesses. Through Specific Calls ("Avisos") it supports energy efficiency projects in the different sectors : Industry, Buildings, Agriculture, Transport, and Behaviour. Project developpers apply for these financial incentives, if they meet the stated requirements specified by the Call's description. This call 11 supports the installation of Centralized Technical Management Systems in existing hotels (with more than 10 years of activity). Web communication is done through the website : Were entitled to this grant: Legal persons of the service sector with hospitality activities with the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities between CAE 55111 and CAE 55900. Elegible projects were defined according to EN 15232: - Installation of Centralized Technical Management Systems - The proposed operation complies with Class C or higher. Funds to be disbursed by the FEE depend on the efficiency level of the operation: - class A 40 % of total elegible expenses with a maximum of 20 000 Euros - class B 35 % of total elegible expenses with a maximum of 15 000 Euros - class C 30 % of total elegible expenses with a maximum of 10 000 Euros Total Available funds amounted to € 400,000.00 Between 04 May and 3 August 2015, 5 (five) applications for funding, with total amount of eligible investment of € 280,500.00 were received. The five applications eligible for FEE financing were implemented at 100% and the amount of financing approved in the Final Report of € 76,925.00 (seventy six thousand nine hundred and twenty five euros) was fully used. It should be noted that this represents 27% of the total eligible investment amount, however, only 19% of the amount available for funding under Notice 11. With the implementation and financing of the 5 (five) projects, it was deemed possible to avoid about 317 equivalent tons of oil of annual primary energy consumption.

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