Slovenia Net-Metering System (Uredbo o samooskrbi z elektricno energijo iz obnovljivih virov energije)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 9 February 2016

On 10th of December 2015 Slovenia adopted Decree on self-supply of electricity from renewable energy sources that regulates a net-metering programme. The provisions of the Decree entered into force on 16th of January 2016.

The net-metering support scheme is available for households and small businesses. The goal of the policy is not to encourage electricity production for export but for self-consumption, hence if at the end of the calendar year there was more electricity sent to the grid than acquired, the surplus will not be remunerated.

Accounting period is occurring at the end of each calendar year. Only installations of 11kVa and smaller can participate in the programme. There is an overall connection, yearly connection limit of 10 MVA with a division for households (7 MVA) and business (3 MVA) caps. If by 1 October of the calendar year, the annual limit has not been reached, the share of unused power can benefit both groups of customers.

All renewable energy installations are eligible to participate in the net metering. Installations participating in the net meting are not allowed to benefit from feed-in tariff and premium support.

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