National Energy Policy

Last updated: 6 December 2019

The guiding principle for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Energy Plan (NEP) is to guarantee a clean, reliable and affordable energy supply to the customers.

The main aims of the plan are to:

  • Strengthen the national economy by reducing the dependence on import of fossil fuels;
  • Stabilize and possibly reduce the energy consumption per capita in the medium and long term;
  • Reduce the dependence on import of energy through continued and expanded exploitation of indigenous resources and improvement of energy efficiency and/or conservation of energy use;
  • Liberalize the energy market by encouraging and accommodating private sector participation in energy development and energy services, thereby enhancing competitiveness and engendering lower prices;
  • Take advantage of renewable, local energy resources, wherever this is possible from the aspects of availability (potential), energy demand, technical and social implications, economic feasibility, ecological harmony and sustainability;
  • To always encourage and stimulate the efficient use of all energy resources, keeping in mind that all types of energy are either scarce or need significant amounts of capital to be tapped or transposed into applicable forms of energy use;
  • In all its decision making with respect to energy services development, the Government will strongly promote the active participation of the energy sector, the general public, NGOs, etc.
  • In delivering energy services, government will decrease consumers subsidies and set prices and tariffs in such a way that they timely reflect full cost, taking into account the burden it is for lowest income households;
  • Take advantage of national expertise and know-how as far as possible for the development and delivery of energy services. Where importation of resources is required, provide incentives for the use of the most available technology;
  • Ensure that the measures taken in pursuing this energy policy is in line with the requirements and legal implications of the Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME).

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