CONUEE - Promotion of energy efficiency and development of national standards - Promoción de la Eficiencia Energética y emitir normas oficiales mexicanas de la materia

Last updated: 5 November 2017
The National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) is responsible for developing energy efficiency standards for appliances and systems as well as monitoring their compliance. CONUEE has a long history in the design of mandatory standards (NOMs) and working with local industry to develop voluntary standards (NMXs) on energy efficiency in buildings, appliances and equipment.
In general terms, a new standard is developed following a request by manufacturers, consumers or by the government. CONUEE, through its Advisory Committee for the Preservation and Rational Use of Energy Resources (CCNNPURRE), composed of different public, private, academic and social stakeholders, evaluates the feasibility of the standard. If the standard is viable, then a working group is created involving relevant key stakeholders in order to develop the standard draft (Proyecto) and the regulatory impact statement (MIR) (between 11-15 months). The Proyecto goes through a public consultation phase that allows the working group to modify the draft according to the comments received (4-6 months).
The first standard was issued in 1995. By June 2018, CONUEE has 32 energy efficiency mandatory standards (NOMs) in place. The NOMs include specifications and mandatory minimum energy performance levels for each appliance type, equipment or systems. 25 NOMs regulate energy consumption in appliances and equipment, and seven NOM for systems.
This programme has been the most successful energy efficiency public policy in Mexico in cost-benefit terms.

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