Demand Response
What is demand response?
Demand response refers to balancing the demand on power grids by encouraging customers to shift electricity demand to times when electricity is more plentiful or other demand is lower, typically through prices or monetary incentives. Along with smart grids and energy storage, demand response is an important source of flexibility for managing the impact of variable renewables and growing electricity demand on the stability and reliability of electricity grids.
What is the role of demand response in clean energy transitions?
In the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, large increases in electricity demand from the electrification of end uses like transport and home heating and the widespread rollout of solar PV and wind (whose output varies depending on the weather and time of day) place increasing demands on the power grid. Technologies like demand response can help to accommodate these impacts and reduce the need for costly new transmission and distribution infrastructure.
Where do we need to go?
New digital technologies can help to automate demand response through connected devices and harness the growing potential of distributed energy resources, such as rooftop solar panels, electric vehicle batteries and home energy storage systems. However, to align with the Net Zero Scenario, the pace of policy implementation and technology deployment needs to accelerate.
Tracking Demand Response
involves providing incentives to shift or shed electricity demand in wholesale and ancillary power markets to help balance the grid. This flexibility will become increasingly important as grids become progressively dominated by variable power generation such as wind and solar PV.
Demand response is based on two main mechanisms: price-based programmes (or implicit demand response), which use price signals and tariffs to incentivise consumers to shift consumption, and incentive-based programmes (or explicit demand response), which make direct payments to consumers who shift demand as part of a demand-side response programme.
Supporting regulation and implementation of demand response has grown over the last few years, including the expansion of existing programmes and allowing smaller demand response resources to participate in programmes.
However, to correspond with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, the pace of policy implementation and technology deployment needs to accelerate. The Net Zero Scenario has 500 GW of demand response brought onto the market by 2030, corresponding to a tenfold increase in deployment levels in 2020.
Notable progress to advance demand response is being made
Notable progress to advance demand response is being made
Countries and regions making notable progress to advance demand response include:
- Australia. Under the new Technical Regulator Guideline, South Australia is mandating certain air conditioners installed after 1 July 2023 to be demand response ready.
- The European Union approved an action plan in October 2022 for digitalising the energy system, which includes establishing requirements and procedures to facilitate data access for demand response.
- Korea launched a new pilot programme for Auto DR in December 2022, where intelligent appliances automatically respond to demand reduction requests instead of consumers’ manual entries, resulting in a 24% improvement in electricity savings.
Demand response markets are expanding, but greater effort is needed to align with the Net Zero Scenario
Demand response markets are expanding, but greater effort is needed to align with the Net Zero Scenario
Demand response availability at times of greatest flexibility need and share of total flexibility under the Net Zero Scenario, 2020 and 2030
OpenGlobally, the pace of demand response growth is far behind the 500 GW of capacity called for in 2030 in the Net Zero Scenario, under which the need for electricity system flexibility – defined as the hour‐to‐hour change in output required from dispatchable resources – more than doubles to 2030. In the Net Zero Scenario, demand response and battery storage combined are projected to meet around a quarter of flexibility needs globally by 2030, increasing to meet half of flexibility needs by 2050.
Several markets have been increasing demand response capacity since 2020, with some countries launching their first auctions or diversifying their portfolio of demand-side resources.
Relevant and recent market updates include the following:
- The French market for demand-side flexibility was around 2.4 GW in 2022, and is expected to increase by 12% in 2023, with selected bids in January 2023 for a contract value of 2.7 GW for 2023
- In February 2023, the United Kingdom secured ~405 MW of demand-side resource capacity in its one-year-ahead auction – a 23% decrease from 2022. The four-year-ahead auction slightly decreased from 2022 levels, with ~925 MW of demand-side resource capacity awarded.
- As of November 2022, Korea’s demand response markets had roughly 4.9 GW of registered capacity, particularly important to reduce peak demand in summer and winter. Consumption of 43 GWh was avoided in December 2022 alone under the voluntary demand response programme. The Energy Pause Programme is also proving to be successful, with its electricity reduction increasing more than 4-fold in 2022 from the previous year.
- In 2022, demand response in Japan saw 2.3 GW of successful bids, accounting for approximately 60% of the total bid capacity for Power Source I market, an increase of nearly 80% over 2020. In the Additional Supply Capacity market, demand response contributed 90 million kW during the winter of 2022 when Japan faced extreme power shortages.
- In 2021, the United States registered 29 GW of peak demand savings potential across all its demand response programmes. Over 10 million residential, commercial, and industrial customers were enrolled, resulting in total energy savings of 1 154 GWh this year.
Enabling technologies offer high flexibility potential, although deployment is still lagging
Enabling technologies offer high flexibility potential, although deployment is still lagging
Distributed energy resources and connected devices, if coupled with smart meters and digital management systems, have the potential to bolster demand response, reduce peak demand and support net zero pathways by enabling the aggregation and remote control of smaller dispersed resources.
In the Net Zero Scenario, in 2030 around 250 GW of demand response capacity is in buildings, and another 50 GW comes from electric vehicles. This capacity is made available to the market thanks to the deployment of enabling digital technologies across key end-uses, complemented by the expansion of electricity storage.
Selected global technology deployment, 2020 vs. 2030 Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario milestones
Technology | 2020 deployment | 2030 milestone |
Commercial and residential energy storage systems (capacity) |
3.7 GW | 510 GW |
Smart thermostats (million units) |
30.4 | 231.5 |
Home energy management systems (million units) |
4 | 32.7 |
Residential air conditioners (billion units) |
1.9 | 2.6 |
Heat pumps (million units) |
180 | 600 |
Residential electric vehicle smart chargers (units) |
117 000 | 28 700 000 |
Notes: Smart thermostats are thermostats able to optimise heating and cooling based on current and historical data. Residential electric vehicle smart chargers are chargers installed in residential premises that manage smart charging themselves, excluding smart charging done through the car or another device. Sources: IEA analysis based on Guidehouse data, 2022, and IEA (2021), Net Zero by 2050.
Innovative solutions and approaches are being tested to expand residential participation in demand response
Innovative solutions and approaches are being tested to expand residential participation in demand response
Some countries, such as France, Italy, the Netherlands and the Unites States are experimenting with electric vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging, which would allow vehicles to input electricity into the grid.
In 2022, the United Kingdom launched a programme on energy smart appliances to test interoperable demand response, including through smart metres and energy management systems.
Virtual power plants (VPPs), which digitally link, aggregate and centrally control distributed energy resources for their optimal use, are also expanding, but they remain uneven across geographies and have yet to reach the fully commercial stage.
New public and private VPP projects have been launched:
- In Australia, Tesla has been expanding its VPP from South Australia to four additional Australian states and following a similar expansion in the United States, namely in California and Texas.
- Stem Inc. is developing a VPP in Chile, considered to be the first in Latin America.
A number of stakeholders around the world are either testing new approaches or expanding residential demand response programmes.
- In India, Tata Power in February 2023 launched a demand response programme targeting 55 000 residential consumers and 6 000 large commercial and industrial consumers for an overall peak reduction of 75 MW (to be scaled up to 200 MW by Summer 2025).
- In January 2023 in Japan, Itochu announced a pilot project to test the use of residential energy storage systems for demand response.
- In the United States, more than 9 000 consumers are enrolled in the free platform, GridRewards, to reduce demand by 20 MW, with each receiving an average of USD 80 during the Summer peak season in the State of New York. Vistra in Texas is now enabling any customer with a smart thermostat to participate in demand response.
For more information
The current energy crisis represents an opportunity to accelerate policy frameworks for demand-side flexibility
The current energy crisis represents an opportunity to accelerate policy frameworks for demand-side flexibility
The recent energy crisis demonstrated the central role played by policy response in Europe and across the world. While more effort is still needed to support demand-side flexibility and align with the Net Zero Scenario, a number of measures were implemented across geographies to expand coverage and scope.
- Australia launched the new Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism, allowing consumers to sell demand response, and introduced Five-Minute Settlement in the National Electricity Market to provide more efficient price signals, encouraging investment in batteries.
- Brazil approved a mechanism to allow large consumers to participate in the provision of demand response.
- Korea is expanding participation in the residential demand response Energy Pause Programme, raising the threshold for consumers to participate from below 70 kW to all households up to 200 kW.
- Singapore launched a new regulatory sandbox to support participation in demand response programmes by streamlining procedures, reducing penalties and providing clearer activation timeframes.
- The European Union approved an action plan for the digitalisation of the energy system, which includes establishing requirements to facilitate data access for demand response, as well as to support the adoption of smart appliances. In parallel, the EU electricity market design proposed reform is under discussion with an aim to introduce measures to support low-carbon flexibility solutions in the market, including demand response.
- In the United States, California approved the 2022 Load Management Standards, which aim to support demand side flexibility by requiring the largest utilities and aggregators to offer at least one hourly electricity rate to customers.
View all digital demand response policies
Key international initiatives are strengthening synergies and collaboration
Key international initiatives are strengthening synergies and collaboration
International initiatives are central to accelerating the implementation of innovative technologies to support demand-side flexibility, favoring the exchange of best practices.
Relevant initiatives to collaborate more closely include:
- The IEA Digital Demand Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) Initiative promotes analysis and engagement to accelerate progress on power system digitalisation and the effective use of distributed energy resources for demand-side flexibility.
- IEA Technology Collaboration Programs (TCPs) are providing evidence, policy guidance and support for high-level government action on the design, social acceptance and usability of clean energy technologies (Users TCP), on smarter, cleaner electricity grids (ISGAN), and on energy-using equipment and systems (4E TCP).
- Mission Innovation Green Powered Future Mission launched a roadmap of innovation priorities, including on system flexibility and market design, to effectively integrate up to 100% variable renewables by 2030. The Mission also launched two flagship projects: the launch of five demonstrations in five continents with up to 80% variable renewable energy (VRE) by 2024, and a Multilateral research programme to tackle 20 of the identified Innovation Priorities by 2023.
We would like to thank the following external reviewers:
We would like to thank the following external reviewers:
- Matt Chester, Chester Energy and Policy, Contributor
- Kim Sung Kyu, Senior Manager, Demand Response Market Team, New Electricity Business Department, Korea Power Exchange, Reviewer
- Steven Beletich, Operating Agent, Electronic Devices and Networks Annex, E4 Techonolgy Collaboration Programme, Reviewer
In responding to the current crisis, governments should not lose sight of long-term decarbonisation goals, and therefore they should accelerate the use of demand-side flexibility to support energy security and system resilience.
Governments and regulators should appropriately value and reward demand-side resources, allowing them to compete fairly with supply-side sources of flexibility, ensuring that explicit and implicit barriers to demand-side participation in demand response programmes are removed. They should ensure there is a level playing field for both traditional and new flexibility providers, including aggregators. Demand-side resources should also be included in power system planning.
Finally, they should provide incentives, clear communication and education to promote the active participation of consumers and communities in providing flexibility, while strengthening cybersecurity, safeguarding consumers’ privacy, and ensuring equity and affordability.
Regulators should leverage innovative tools such as regulatory experimentation and sandboxes to rapidly test new technologies and solutions, business models, and different roles for the actors involved, under real conditions.
To broaden participation in demand response programmes, innovation and testing are also needed on behavioural insights and on the role of digital platforms and intermediaries.
Frameworks to support innovative business models should include multiple value streams, and support the deployment of enabling technologies, namely smart metres and controls. Policy makers should also facilitate consumer and third-party (including aggregators) access to relevant data, including from smart meters, while protecting consumer interests.
Governments have several options to support the uptake of grid-responsive equipment.
They can elaborate principles for data sharing and interoperability requirements, which could be adopted by manufacturers in the form of Codes of Conduct.
They can embed connectivity and smart functionality requirements as part of minimum energy performance standards for high-consuming devices, such as air conditioners, heating systems, heat pumps, water boilers and electric vehicle charging, and include these requirements in energy efficiency standards for buildings. This would also unlock opportunities for private charging infrastructure to provide grid services and act as a responsive distributed energy resource.
The adoption of future-ready devices and systems can also be accelerated by providing incentives to consumers in the form of rewards or by providing clear guidelines and information on where to start.
In implementing such policies and schemes, governments should ensure supply chain resilience, in coordination with the private sector.
Better strategies for the exchange and coordination of data in the electricity system are needed, including consumers, operators of transmission and distribution systems, and aggregators. They should ideally be aligned with broader country digitalisation and data strategies, including data privacy regulations.
Governments play a central role in creating conducive frameworks, including by assigning clear roles and responsibilities to enable the effective operation and use of distributed energy resources to provide demand-side flexibility.
The visibility and controllability of distributed solar PV and behind-the-meter battery storage should also be improved by setting up registries and installing smart meters.
To maximise the use of distributed energy resources, relevant devices must be able to adequately communicate, be automated or remotely controllable where viable, and be capable of responding to price signals and incentives.
The private sector should expand the use of open and interoperable communication standards, and adopt approaches that favour the use of open-source software and codes over proprietary ones, through initiatives such as LF Energy. This would also contribute to reducing the cost and length of product development, as well as support the creation of new business models.
Programmes and partnerships
Using Digitalisation in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies to Enable Demand Response in Buildings
Electricity demand in buildings is set to grow strongly in emerging and developing economies, driven by rising living standards, improved energy access and widespread ownership of electrical appliances. Smart use of electrical appliances could trigger additional efficiency gains and lead to lower overall energy consumption.
Authors and contributors
Lead authors
Emi Bertoli
Vida Rozite
Brendan Reidenbach
Anthony Vautrin
Sungjin Oh
Matthieu Suire