Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks
Why are data centres and data transmission networks important?
Demand for digital services is growing rapidly. Since 2010, the number of internet users worldwide has more than doubled, while global internet traffic has expanded 20-fold. The data centres and data transmission networks that underpin digitalisation have led to rising energy use.
What is the role of data centres and data transmission networks in clean energy transitions?
Rapid improvements in energy efficiency have helped limit energy demand growth from data centres and data transmission networks, which each account for about 1-1.5% of global electricity use. Nevertheless, strong government and industry efforts on energy efficiency, renewables procurement and RD&D will be essential to curb energy demand and emissions growth over the next decade.
Where do we need to go?
Since 2010, emissions from data have grown only modestly despite rapidly growing demand for digital services, thanks to energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy purchases by information and communications technology (ICT) companies and broader decarbonisation of electricity grids in many regions. However, to get on track with the Net Zero Scenario, emissions must drop by half by 2030.
Tracking Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks
Demand for digital services is growing rapidly. Since 2010, the number of internet users worldwide has more than doubled, while global internet traffic has expanded 25-fold. Rapid improvements in energy efficiency have, however, helped moderate growth in energy demand from data centres and data transmission networks, which each account for 1-1.5% of global electricity use.
Significant advances in data centre performance have been made in recent years, but additional government and industry efforts on energy efficiency, RD&D, and decarbonisation of electricity supply and supply chains are necessary to curb energy demand and rapidly reduce emissions over the coming decade to get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario.
Data centres and data transmission networks are responsible for 1% of energy-related GHG emissions
Data centres and data transmission networks are responsible for 1% of energy-related GHG emissions
Digital technologies have direct and indirect effects on energy use and emissions, with data centres connected to electricity grids with lower shares of generation based on fossil fuel producing less associated emissions, and hold enormous potential to help (or hinder) global clean energy transitions, including through the digitalisation of the energy sector.
The data centres and data transmission networks1 that underpin digitalisation accounted for around 330 Mt CO2 equivalent in 2020 (including embodied emissions), equivalent to 0.9% of energy-related GHG emissions (or 0.6% of total GHG emissions). Since 2010, emissions have grown modestly despite rapidly growing demand for digital services, thanks to energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy purchases by information and communications technology (ICT) companies and broader decarbonisation of electricity grids in many regions. However, to get on track with the NZE Scenario, emissions must halve by 2030.
Strong efficiency improvements have helped to limit growth in energy demand from data centres globally
Strong efficiency improvements have helped to limit growth in energy demand from data centres globally
Estimated global data centre electricity consumption in 2022 was 240-340 TWh1, or around 1-1.3% of global final electricity demand. This excludes energy used for cryptocurrency mining, which was estimated to be around 110 TWh in 2022, accounting for 0.4% of annual global electricity demand.
Since 2010, data centre energy use (excluding crypto) has grown only moderately despite the strong growth in demand for data centre services, thanks in part to efficiency improvements in IT hardware and cooling and a shift away from small, inefficient enterprise data centres towards more efficient cloud and hyperscale data centres.
Despite strong gains in efficiency, the rapid growth in workloads handled by large data centres has resulted in a substantial increase in energy use in this segment over the past several years, growing by 20-40% annually. Combined electricity use3 by Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Meta more than doubled between 2017 and 2021, rising to around 72 TWh in 2021. Overall data centre energy use (excluding crypto) appears likely to continue growing moderately over the next few years, but longer-term trends are highly uncertain.
Although data centre electricity consumption globally has grown only slightly, some smaller countries with expanding data centre markets are seeing rapid growth. For example, data centre electricity use in Ireland has more than tripled since 2015, accounting for 18% of total electricity consumption in 2022, and data centres and other non-industrial large energy users could account for 28% of national demand by 2031 for data centres and other non-industrial large energy users unless generation capacity increases. In Denmark, data centre energy use is projected to rise six times by 2030 to account for almost 15% of the country’s electricity use.
1 IEA analysis based on Masanet et al. (2020), Malmodin (2020), Hintemann & Hinterholzer (2022) and reported energy use data from large data centre operators.
Global trends in digital and energy indicators, 2015-2022
2015 |
2022 |
Change |
Internet users |
3 billion |
5.3 billion |
+78% |
Internet traffic |
0.6 ZB |
4.4 ZB |
+600% |
Data centre workloads |
180 million |
800 million |
+340% |
Data centre energy use (excluding crypto) |
200 TWh |
240-340 TWh |
+20-70% |
Crypto mining energy use |
4 TWh |
100-150 TWh |
+2300-3500% |
Data transmission network energy use |
220 TWh |
260-360 TWh |
+18-64% |
Sources: Internet users [ITU (2023)]; internet traffic [IEA analysis based on Cisco (2015); TeleGeography (2022); Telegeography (2023); Cisco (2019), Cisco Visual Networking Index]; data centre workloads [Cisco (2018), Cisco Global Cloud Index]; data centre energy use [IEA analysis based on Malmodin & Lundén (2018); ITU (2020); Masanet et al. (2020); Malmodin (2020); Hintemann & Hinterholzer (2022); Malmodin et al. (2023)]; cryptocurrency mining energy use [IEA analysis based on Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (2023); Gallersdörfer, Klaaßen and Stoll (2020); McDonald (2022)]; data transmission network energy use [Malmodin & Lundén (2018); Malmodin (2020); ITU (2020); Coroama (2021); GSMA (2022); GSMA (2023); Malmodin et al. (2023)].
Energy efficiency of data transmission networks has also improved rapidly
Globally, data transmission networks consumed 260-360 TWh in 20222 , or 1-1.5% of global electricity use. Mobile networks accounted for around two-thirds of total network energy consumption. The energy efficiency of data transmission has improved rapidly over the past decade: fixed-line network energy intensity has halved every two years in developed countries, and mobile-access network energy efficiency has improved by 10-30% annually in recent years.
Internet traffic globally was up nearly 30% in 2022, lower than the 40-50% Covid-19 pandemic-driven surge in 2020. GSMA members reported that their network data traffic increased by 31% in 2021, while total electricity use by operators rose by only 5%. Data from major European telecom network operators analysed by Lundén et al. (2022) mirror these global efficiency trends. Electricity consumption by reporting companies – representing about 36% of European subscriptions and 8% of global subscriptions – increased by only 1% between 2015 and 2018, while data traffic tripled.
In addition, waste heat from data centres is increasingly being used to help heat nearby commercial and residential buildings or supply industrial heat users, reducing energy use from other sources.
2 - IEA analysis based on Coroamă (2021), ITU (2020), Malmodin and Lundén (2018), Malmodin (2020) and GSMA (2022).
Emerging services and technologies such as streaming, cloud gaming, blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning and virtual reality are poised to boost demand for data services
Emerging services and technologies such as streaming, cloud gaming, blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning and virtual reality are poised to boost demand for data services
Strong growth in demand for data network services is expected to continue, driven primarily by data-intensive activities such as video streaming, cloud gaming and augmented and virtual reality applications. However, these data-intensive services may only have limited impacts on energy use in the near term since energy use does not increase proportionally with traffic volumes. In addition, the average energy consumption of video streaming is fairly low compared with other everyday activities, with end-user devices such as televisions consuming the majority.
Mobile data traffic is also projected to continue growing quickly, quadrupling by 2028. 5G’s share of mobile data traffic is projected to rise to nearly 70% in 2028, up from around 17% in 2022. Although 5G networks are expected to be more energy efficient than 4G networks, the overall energy and emissions impacts of 5G are still uncertain due to their higher network density and energy consumption per site. Decommissioning of legacy networks such as 2G and 3G offers a major opportunity to reduce mobile network energy use. Managed phase-outs of legacy networks are needed to ensure existing services and devices such as smart meters can maintain functionality.
Demand for data centre services is also poised to rise, driven in part by emerging digital technologies such as blockchain (particularly proof-of-work) and machine learning. For example, Bitcoin – the most prominent example of proof-of-work blockchain and most valuable cryptocurrency by market capitalisation – consumed an estimated 110 TWh in 2022, 20-times more than in 2016. Ethereum, second behind Bitcoin in terms of market capitalisation and energy use, consumed around 18 TWh over the first three quarters of 2022. In September 2022, Ethereum transitioned from a proof-of-work consensus mechanism to proof-of-stake, which is expected to slash energy use by 99.95%. As blockchain applications become more widespread, understanding and managing their energy use implications may become increasingly important for energy analysts and policy makers.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is another area of demand growth, with potentially significant implications for data centre energy use in upcoming years. While the amount of computing power needed to train the largest ML models is growing rapidly, it is unclear how quickly overall ML-related energy use in data centres is increasing.
Early studies focused on the energy and carbon emissions associated with training large ML models, but recent data from Meta and Google indicate that the training phase only accounts for around 20–40% of overall ML-related energy use, with 60–70% for inference (the application or use of AI models) and up to 10% for model development (experimentation). Google estimates that ML accounted for 10-15% of its total energy use in 2019-2021, growing at a rate comparable with overall energy growth (+20-25% per year over the same period).
The combination of rapidly growing size of models and computing demand are likely to outpace strong energy efficiency improvements, resulting in a net growth in total AI-related energy use in the coming years. Although AI itself can help reduce energy use in data centres, the rapid and mainstream adoption of AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google Bard are likely to accelerate growth in energy demand for AI.
The nature of data centre demand is expected to evolve over the coming decade, with 5G, the Internet of Things and the metaverse likely to increase demand for low-latency computing, increasing demand for edge data centres. User devices such as smartphones – increasingly equipped with ML accelerators – are set to increase the use of ML with uncertain effects on overall energy demand.
ICT companies are major purchasers of renewable energy, surging ahead with corporate renewable PPAs
ICT companies are major purchasers of renewable energy, surging ahead with corporate renewable PPAs
ICT companies invest considerable sums in renewable energy projects to protect themselves from power price volatility, reduce their environmental impact and improve their brand reputation. Hyperscale data centre operators, in particular, lead in corporate renewable energy procurement, mainly through power purchase agreements (PPAs). Amazon, Microsoft, Meta and Google are the four largest purchasers of corporate renewable energy PPAs, having contracted almost 50 GW to date, equal to the generation capacity of Sweden.
Top corporate off-takers of renewable energy power purchase agreements, 2010-2022
OpenApple (2.8 TWh), Google (18.3 TWh), Meta (9.4 TWh) and Microsoft (13 TWh) purchased or generated enough renewable electricity to match 100% of their operational electricity consumption in 2021 (primarily in data centres). Amazon consumed 30.9 TWh (85% renewable) across their operations in 2021, with a goal of achieving 100% renewables by 2025.
Although a few network operators have achieved 100% renewables (including BT, TIM and T-Mobile), data transmission network operators generally lag behind data centre operators in renewable energy purchase and use. Compared with data centres, which are typically large, centralised and more flexible in location, telecommunication network operators have many sites (with limited flexibility for site selection). As a result, accessing renewable energy can be a challenge in many markets, particularly in emerging and developing economies with less well-developed energy markets.
But further efforts are needed to maximise additionality and emission reductions of renewable energy purchases
However, matching 100% of annual demand with renewable energy purchases or certificates does not mean that data centres and data transmission networks are powered exclusively by renewable sources. The variability of wind and solar sources may not match a data centre’s demand profile, and the renewable energy may be purchased from projects in a different grid or region from where demand is located. Renewable energy certificates, in particular, are unlikely to lead to additional renewable energy production, resulting in uncertainty of real-world emissions mitigation.
Google and Microsoft have announced 2030 targets, and Iron Mountain a 2040 target, to source and match zero-carbon electricity on a 24/7 basis within each grid where demand is located. A growing number of organisations are working towards 24/7 carbon-free energy to match their electricity demand on an hourly basis, which could stimulate deployment of a wider portfolio of flexible technologies needed for net zero transitions in the power sector.
Few policies currently exist, but increased requirements for transparency may focus attention on energy demand for data centres
Few policies currently exist, but increased requirements for transparency may focus attention on energy demand for data centres
While broader electricity decarbonisation policies are key to reducing operational emissions from data centres and networks, there are currently few policies and regulations primarily focused on reducing their energy consumption or emissions footprint. In data centres, these include:
- Regulatory and voluntary schemes to improve energy efficiency at the component level (e.g. servers, data storage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC]) such as ENERGY STAR and EU Ecodesign Regulations for servers and data storage products.
- Buildings-based data centre energy efficiency guidance, standards, ratings, certifications and labelling schemes such as the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency, CLC/TS 50600-5-1, BREEAM SD 5068 (United Kingdom) and IGBC Green Data Center Rating System (India).
Other recent policy developments target improved data collection and transparency:
- The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) was adopted in 2022 by the European Commission to come into force from 2024 onwards. It will require large organisations, including technology companies, to report sustainability indicators as well as energy and carbon emissions. In the United States, similar reporting mandates are underway at the state level in Oregon, while at the federal level the Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets executive order was signed to explore the potential for future reporting requirements for crypto assets.
- The recast Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), will introduce energy and sustainability reporting requirements for data centres based in the European Union from May 2024. This will require data centres with installed capacity greater than 500 kW to report total energy consumption – including the share derived from renewable energy – water usage, and waste heat utilisation. The European Commission will evaluate this data to determine whether further measures such as minimum performance standards for data centres are warranted.
- In China, the government has called for average power use effectiveness (PUE) of 1.25 in the east and 1.2 in the west of the country as part of its Eastern Data and Western Computing project. Major cities have minimum PUE requirements for new data centres, including Beijing (1.4), Shanghai (1.3) and Shenzhen (no subsidies above 1.4).
- Other jurisdictions announced temporary restrictions on new hyperscale data centre developments in 2022, including the Netherlands. Singapore recently lifted its 2019 moratorium on new data centres.
Several initiatives are working to measure, track and reduce the environmental impacts of digital infrastructure
Several initiatives are working to measure, track and reduce the environmental impacts of digital infrastructure
- In January 2021 data centre operators and industry associations in Europe launched the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, pledging to make data centres climate-neutral by 2030 with intermediate (2025) targets for power usage effectiveness and carbon-free energy.
- The Open Compute Project is a collaborative community focused on redesigning hardware technology to efficiently support the growing demands on computing infrastructure.
- The 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact, coordinated by Sustainable Energy for All and the United Nations, includes three data centre operators: Google, Microsoft and Iron Mountain.
- DIMPACT is a collaborative project convened by Carnstone and the University of Bristol to measure and report the carbon footprint of digital services. DIMPACT participants include some of the largest media companies in the world, including Netflix, the BBC and the Economist.
We would like to thank the following external reviewer:
We would like to thank the following external reviewer:
The authors would like to thank Steven Beletich (IEA TCEP 4E Electronic Devices and Networks Annex)Brian Denvir (Google), Devon Swezey (Google), Mark Caine (Google), George Kamiya (GSMA), Vlad Coroama (TU Berlin), Simon Hinterholzer (Borderstep Institute),Daniel Schien (University of Bristol), Jake Oster (Amazon), andStijn Grove (Dutch Data Center Association) for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this report.
Improving data collection and sharing on ICT companies and their energy use can help inform energy analysis and policy making, particularly in segments where data are limited or not available (e.g. small data centres). National research programmes can develop better modelling tools to improve understanding and forecasting of the energy and sustainability impacts of data centres and networks.
Governments can also play an important role in helping to develop appropriate indicators to track progress on energy efficiency and sustainability, building on efforts by industry and researchers.
Governments can be instrumental in implementing initiatives to improve the energy efficiency of data transmission networks while ensuring reliability and resilience. Potential policy tools include network device energy efficiency standards, improving metrics and incentives for efficient network operations, and supporting international technology protocols.
Data centres could improve their energy efficiency, while providing flexibility to the grid. Governments can offer guidance, incentives and standards to encourage further energy efficiency, while regulations and price signals could help incentivise demand-side flexibility. For example, allowing for some flexibility in ancillary service requirements (e.g. longer notice periods, longer response times) may make it easier for data centre operators to participate in demand response programmes.
The ICT sector has been a leader in corporate renewable energy procurement, particularly in North America and Europe. But the Asia Pacific region has lagged behind in terms of renewable energy use due, in part, to the limited availability of renewables, regulatory complexity and high costs. Regulatory frameworks should incentivise varied, affordable, and additional renewable power purchasing options.
Waste heat from data centres could help to heat nearby commercial and residential buildings or supply industrial heat users, reducing energy use from other sources. Waste heat arrangements should be assessed on a site-by-site basis and include a range of criteria including economic viability, technical feasibility, offtaker demand, and impact on energy efficiency. Given the high costs of new infrastructure, proximity to users of waste heat or existing infrastructure is needed to ensure that waste heat is actually used.
To overcome potential barriers to waste heat utilisation, such as achieving sufficiently high temperatures and contractual and legal challenges, policy makers, data centre operators and district heating suppliers need to work together on adequate incentives and guarantees.
ICT companies can help energy researchers and policy makers better understand how changing demand for ICT services translates into overall energy demand by sharing reliable, comprehensive and timely data. For example, data centre and telecommunication network operators should track and publicly report energy use and other sustainability indicators (e.g. emissions, water use). Cloud data centre operators should provide robust and transparent tools for their customers to measure, report and reduce the GHG emissions of cloud services.
Industry groups that collect self-reported energy and sustainability information from members (e.g. Bitcoin Mining Council) should share underlying data and methodologies with researchers to increase the credibility of their sustainability claims.
ICT companies should set ambitious efficiency and CO2 emission targets and implement concrete measures to track progress and achieve these goals. This includes alignment with the ICT industry’s science-based target to reduce GHG emissions by 45% between 2020 and 2030.
For data centre operators, this includes following energy efficiency best practices, locating new data centres in areas with suitable climates and low water stress, and adopting the most energy-efficient servers and storage, network and cooling equipment. All companies along the ICT value chain must do their part to increase system-wide efficiency, including hardware manufacturers, software developers and customers.
Several major data centre and telecom network operators have set and/or achieved targets to use 100% clean electricity on an annual matching basis. More ambitious approaches to carbon-free operations can have even greater environmental benefits, specifically by accounting for both location and time. ML and other digital technologies can help achieve such goals by actively shifting computing tasks to times and regions in which low-carbon sources are plentiful.
In cooperation with electricity utilities, regulators and project developers, data centre operators investing in renewable energy should identify projects that maximise benefits for the local grid and reduce overall GHG emissions. This could also include the use of emerging clean energy technologies such as battery storage and low-emission hydrogen to increase flexibility and contribute to system-wide decarbonisation.
Demand for data centre services will continue to grow strongly, driven by media streaming and emerging technologies such as AI, virtual reality, 5G and blockchain. As the efficiency gains of current technologies decelerate (or even stall) in upcoming years, more efficient new technologies will be needed to keep pace with growing data demand.
In addition to their operational energy use and emissions, data centres and data transmission networks are also responsible for “embodied” life cycle emissions, including from raw material extraction, manufacturing, transport and end-of-life disposal or recycling. Companies should ramp up efforts to reduce embodied emissions across their supply chains, including devices and buildings.
Data centres and data transmission networks also pose other environmental impacts beyond energy use and GHG emissions, such as water use and the generation of electronic waste. Companies should adopt technologies and approaches to minimise water use, particularly in drought-prone areas.
Programmes and partnerships
Authors and contributors
Lead authors
Vida Rozite
Emi Bertoli
Brendan Reidenbach